BBC Proms: Sir Henry Wood Promenade Concerts 1947 - Fifty-Third Season - Prom 38 | 1 September 1947 |
Great Mass Demonstration - We Can Conquer Unemployment | 26 March 1929 |
League of Nations Union Meeting - We Want Disarmament All Round and Security and Justice | 11 July 1931 |
Mayflower Tercentary Celebration | 16 September 1920 |
National Conference of Women Called By HM Government [Private] | 28 September 1943 |
National Eisteddfod of Wales | 17 June 1909 |
National Liberal Federation Great Demonstration - The Flaming Torch Kindled By 10,000 Liberals | 30 January 1925 |
National Union of Womens Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) Meeting (Suffragists) | 23 February 1912 |
National War Savings Committee Meeting | 22 October 1917 |
Public Demonstration in Support of the 'Government Local Option Bill' | 25 May 1895 |