
Performance TitleMarylebone Spiritualist Association Service
Performance Date21 March 1937
Performance DaySunday
Performance Time18:30
Main PerformersGeorge Craze,
Mr H Ernest Hunt,
Thomas Wyatt,
Shaw Desmond,
Mrs Barkel (spirit guide, White Hawk),
Hannen Swaffer,
Mrs Stella Hughes - speakers

Albert Thompson - organ
Set ListHymn: 'Praise My Soul, The King of Heaven',
Hymn: 'The Light of Truth',
Hymn: 'The World Hath Felt A Quickening Breath',
Hymn: 'There is No Death!',
National Anthem: 'God Save the King'
Organ Soli: 'Sonata in D', Wolstenholme (Albert Thompson),
'Rhapsodie', Lemare (Albert Thompson),
'Meditation', D'Evry (Albert Thompson),
'Toccata', D'Evry (Albert Thompson)
Performance NotesKathleen Barkel was a British trance and apport medium. Her spirit guide was White Hawk, who claimed to have been chief of the Sioux approximately 800 years ago. Kathleen started to display physic gifts as a child but serious mediumship did not develop until 1922. For some years she worked at the British College of Psychic Science giving sceances and doing healings with her husband.

Stella Hughes clairvoyance demonstration:
"Towards the end of her demonstration, Mrs Hughes said a Chinese woman had been with her all the evening, wishing to get in touch with her husband. She gave a name that sounded like Ingi. Immedaitely, a Chinese man in the audience acknowledged the accuracy of the message... Hughes was able to tell the man that he had four children, the Chinese name of the second of which she gave, saying that she was his favourite. The man acknowledged everything that was told him, including the face that he came from Hankow, that he was a professor greatly interested in the politics of his native land, and that he was in England to learn English customs. 'Have you a photograph of your wife with you?' asked the medium... 'Yes' was the reply. Then the medium repeated to him a sentence in Chinese, which, after he had accepted it, said she meant 'I love you.'...
To the son of a clergyman, Stella Hughes gave impressive evidence. His 'dead' father communicated saying he was very proud of his eldest son, who was a rural dean. There was anoterh son, Bert, also attached to the Church...
The medium then spoke of a bishop named Evans who had an association with Bangor. This was also accepted.
To a woman in the audience was given a message from a spirit named George Tipler, who made evidential mention of an operation the woman had had six weeks before, which was the effect of another operation of ten years previously. Mention was made of Aunt Kate and Ernest, and of a blind man and his wife, Richard and Minnie Legg.
Mrs Hughes even gave the birthdays, during the past week, of two children who had passed on.
She spoke of a young man who had 'died' as the result of a motor-cycle accident and of an amethyst which he had given to his mother as a present, intending that she should have it set in a ring. The woman had not yet had the stone set and the spirit jokingly remarked that, if she left it for many more years, she would be on the spirit side of life herself."

Thomas Wyatt clairvoyant demonstration:
"His first message was from Dr Quiller, who brought with him another medical man named McCall and who was asking for someone in the audience named Lil or Lily. A woman at once accepted the message. McCall spoke of his wife, who was seriously ill, and said he hoped to 'bring her home' during the next month. He thanked the woman in the audience for the way in which she had spoken to his wife of Survival. His wife was being tended by his sister, who, he said, was also a doctor.
After describing in detail another spirit who showed himself, Wyatt repeated the message 'Thank you for wearing that lock of my hair in the locket you have on tonight.' 'Yes I am wearing it now,' agreed the woman.
This spirirt sent a cryptic message about 'Black Cat' and 'Black Dog' which the woman undersood. Then the communicator mentioned an anniversary that was approaching and declared 'I will knock on the sideboard tonight at my usual hour'. 'Do you understand that message?' asked the medium. 'Yes it is my husband' replied the woman.
Still more proof was given from a man who committed suicide. 'I thought the gas oven was the way out' he said 'but I found it was the way into eternity.'
The medium described another man minutely, including his clothes. Wyatt mentioned many named that were accepted, and referred to one spirit, who had, on earth a perpetual cough caused by chewing tobacco."

"Unexpected clairvoyance was given by White Hawk, Mrs Barkel's guide, who interrupted his trace address to give messages from the 'dead.' His first message was from a whole family, comprising father, mother, aunt and son, whose family name was Mason. They wished to get in touch with two daughters named Emily and Sarah. When White Hawk said that on of the communicators 'wants to see her thimble' one of the women held up a small box which she was carrying with her.
Further evidence was given concerning a spirit named Charlie who passed on though stepping off somewhere and who used to see them every Sunday morning.
In his next message, White Hawk mentioned the unusual names of Geneway and Godden, both of which were acknowledged."
(Psychic News, 27 March 1937)
Related Archival MaterialProgramme (RAHE/1/1937/22)
Reference NumberTitleDate
RAHE/1/1937/22Service of Commemoration of the Sixty-Fifth Anniversary of the Marylebone Spiritualist Association21 March 1937
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
CbiokimorumowsMarylebone Spiritualist Association Service1
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/3466Swaffer; Hannen (1879-1962); British journalist, drama critic
DS/UK/1338Spiritualist Association of Great Britain (SAGB); 1872-; British Spiritualist group
DS/UK/19717Barkel; Kathleen (1844-); English spiritualist and medium
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