
Event TitleSpecial Sunday Concerts
Event Date7 May 1916-24 September 1916
Event DaySunday
Event LocationMain Auditorium
Number of Performances8
Event PromoterLionel Powell
Event GenreMusic Concert
Event MusicClassical
Cb_Safoiryhoh  Special Sunday Concert - First Concert
_Domylowfineas  Special Sunday Concert - Fourth Concert, in aid of The Blue Cross
Esomagaipineam  Special Sunday Concert - Seventh Concert, in aid of Italian Red Cross
Iekat_Vazitep  Special Sunday Concert - Second Concert
Ohokogozineas  Special Sunday Concert - Fifth Concert, in aid of The Blinded Soldiers and Sailors
Olaseafoodineas  Special Sunday Concerts - Eighth Concert, in aid of Canadian Base Hospitals
Oboroob_Fitep  Special Sunday Concert - Sixth Concert, in aid of Widows and Orphans of the Gallant Men Who Lost their Lives in the Great North Sea Battle
Ionosoohcdineas  Special Sunday Concert - Third Concert
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