
Performance TitleNational Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations (NUCUA) Victory Demonstration
Performance Date4 December 1924
Performance DayThursday
Main PerformersMr Gerald W E Loder (President of the National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations),
Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin (Prime Minister),
Marquess Curzon of Kedleston (Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Lords),
Rt. Hon. Neville Chamberlain,
The Duchess of Atholl - speakers

Miss Carmen Hill - vocal,
Mr H L Balfour - organ
ChoirsThe Gresham Singers
Set List'There's A Land', Allitsen (Miss Carmen Hill),
'Heart of Oak',
'Rule Britannia',
'Charlie Is My Darling',
'The Banks O' Loch Lomond',
'The Last Rose of Summer',
'The Minstrel Boy',
'The Land of My Fathers'
Entrance to Stage of Speakers,
'Land of Hope and Glory', Elgar (Miss Carmen Hill, audience)
Presentation of bouquet to Mrs Baldwin (Lady Louise Loder),
Welcome (Mr Gerald Loder),
Address (Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin)
Resolution (Lord Curzon of Kedleston),
Resolution Seconded (Mr Neville Chamberlain),
Thanks (Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin),
Thanks (Duchess of Atholl)

'God Save The King' (The National Anthem),
Organ: 'Imperial March', Elgar (H L Balfour),
Quartet: 'John Peel' (The Gresham Singers),
Quartet: 'Forester Sound The Cheerful Horn', Bishop (The Gresham Singers)
Performance NotesAdmission was free by invitation.

Review in The Times, 5 December 1924, page 8. The review estimates at least 9,000 people attended the meeting and has a full transcipt of Baldwin's speech. The articles makes it clear that the stewards at the meeting were composed entirely of members of the Junior Imperial League. The article also states that, 'a huge portrait of Mr Baldwin was displayed in front of the pipes of the great organ, and the hall was decoarted with banners bearing watchwords of the recent election, such as 'Confidence, Contentment, Comradeship', and 'Ordered progress, not revolution."

The resolution moved was:
'That this meeting of representatives of the National Union of Conservative and Unionist Assoications, assembled from all parts of the United Kingdom, congratulates te Right Hon. Stanley Baldwin, M.P., upon the result of the recent General Election and upon his appointmnet as Prime Minister. It further desires to express its appreciation of the great services he has rendered to the Conservative and Unionist cause and its entire confidence in him, and assures him of the most loyal support.'
Related Archival MaterialProgramme (RAHE/1/1924/51)
B&W photograph of Stanley Baldwin and Mrs Baldwin in the Hall
Ticket Prices£0
Reference NumberTitleDate
RAHE/1/1924/51The National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations - Victory Demonstration4 December 1924
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
CtaviehiefipibNational Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations (NUCUA) Victory Demonstration1
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/1571The Gresham Singers (fl 1917-1937)
DS/UK/1614Balfour; H L (28 October 1859-27 December 1946); British organist and teacher
DS/UK/1583Hill; Carmen (fl 1883-1924); Scottish singer
DS/UK/1471Stewart-Murray; Katherine Marjory, Duchess of Atholl (1874-1960); DBE; British noblewoman, Scottish Unionist Party politician
DS/UK/1473Chamberlain; (Arthur) Neville (1869-1940); FRS; British Prime Minister 1937-1940
DS/UK/1729Curzon; Sir; George Nathaniel (1859-1925); 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston; British Conservative statesman
DS/UK/1415Baldwin; Stanley (1867-1947); 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley; British Conservative politician
DS/UK/2885Loder; Gerald Walter Erskine (1861-1936); 1st Baron Wakehurt; British barrister, businessman, Conservative politician
DS/UK/300Conservative Party; 1678-; British political party
DS/UK/1193National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations; 1867-1998; British voluntary wing of the Conservative Party
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