
NameDouglas (Leigh Pemberton); Nigel (9 May 1929-15 December 2023); English tenor
AliasNigel Douglas Leigh Pemberton
Dates9 May 1929-15 December 2023
GenderMale (cisgender)
Place of Birth/OriginTorry Hill, Kent, England, United Kingdom (born)
RelationshipsSpouse of Alexander (Lexi)
BiographyMost famous for creating numerous roles throughout his career, Douglas was born on 9 May 1929 at Torry Hill. He attended Oxford University, becoming President of the Opera Club, before moving to Vienna in the 1950s to study opera before his career kicked off in 1959 as Rodolfo in “La Bohème.” He made his debut at the Opernhaus Zürich in 1964 and appeared at such companies as the Vienna Volksoper, Scottish Opera, and Welsh Nation Opera. He debuted at Glyndebourne in 1995 in a production of “The Makropulos Case” and remained with the company until 2001, performing that same opera across three different seasons.

Douglas performed over 80 roles throughout his career. He also originated the role of Britten’s “Owen Wingrave” at the Royal Opera House and on BBC. He was also a frequent broadcaster of musical talks and authored two books, “Legendary Voices” (1992) and “More Legendary Voices” (1994). Retiring at 72, he wrote two books about tenors and indulged in watching cricket.

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