
NamePappeneim; Eugenie (fl 1970s); Austrian opera singer
Datesfl 1970s
BiographyPAPPENHEIM, EUGENIE, a soprano singer who excited some attention in London for a couple of years. She is an Austrian by birth, and was first heard of at Mannheim, and then at Hamburg, where she was one of the opera troupe in 1872-75, and in 74 gave some 'Gastspiele' at Kroll's Theatre, Berlin, with great success, especially as Leonora (Fidelio). She next went to America as a member of a German company under Wachtel, and remained there till 1878, when on June 1 5 she made a successful de*but in London, at Her Majesty's Theatre, as Valentine in 'The Huguenots.' She followed this with a perform- ance of Leonora in ' Fidelio,' and also appeared in the following seasons as Donna Anna, the Countess (Figaro), Leonora (Trovatore), A'ida, Keiza, Agatha, and Elsa (Lohengrin). Though not endowed with a voice of remarkable quality or compass, Madame Pappenheim is thoroughly good and careful both as a singer and an actress. Her parts are always studied with care and con- scientiousness, and she is capable of considerable dramatic intensity. She is now a member of the German Theatre at Pesth.

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