
Performance TitleThe Ling Association of Trained Teachers of Swedish Gymnastics - A Demonstration of Swedish Gymnastic and Country Dances
Performance Date16 June 1917
Performance DaySaturday
Performance Time14:30
Main PerformersThe Marquess of Crewe (Presiding),
Lord Gainsford,
H A L Fisher - speakers

The Ling Association of Trained Teachers of Swedish Gymnatsics Groups and students from:
Owen's School, Islington (boys),
Bedford Physical Training College (girls and boys),
Boundary Lane LCC Schools, Camberwell (girls),
Gopsall Street LCC Scholl, Hoxton (boys)
Greycoat Hospital, Westminster (girls)

Chelsea Physical Training College (girls)
Set ListIntroductory Remarks by the Chairman (The Marquess of Crewe),
Free Standing Exericises (Boundary Lane),
Dances: 'Newcastle',
Gymnastics, with Vaulting (Owens),
Gymnastics (Bedford),
Scandinavian Dances (Bedford)
Net Ball Match (Chelsea),
Speeches (Lord Gainsford, H A L Fisher)
Free Standing Exercises with Games (Gopsall Street),
Country Dances:
'My Lady Cullen' (Chelsea),
'Fairy Dance' (Chelsea),
Gymnastics (Greycoat),
Country Dances
'Madge on a Cree',
'Hunsdon House',
Gymnastics, with Vaulting (Chelsea),
'God Save the King' (The National Anthem)
On Saturday afternoon a large audience of London teachers and schoolchildren, in the Albert Hall, witnessed a demonstration of Swedish gymnastics and country dances of much interest.
...Lord Gainford expressed the hope that one lesson which we should learn as a result of the war was that physical education, promoted on scientific lines, whether regarded from the military, civil, or socail standpoint, shoudl be recognised as an essenial branch in any national scheme of education. With a proper universal system of scientific physical training, the people of this country would become a vigorous, resourceful, and prosperous race, which would look back to this year and thank God that in the year and thank God that in the year of triumph over a despicable enemy they did not fail in their duty to their day and generation, but made all the necessary provision to secure steady improvement in the physical condition of the people."
(The Daily Telegraph, 18 June 1917)

"A letter appreciative of the way in which 'the whole body of teachers have responded to the call made upon them in these difficult times,' was received from Mr Fisher, President of the Board of Education, at an Albert Hall demonstration on Saturday, under the auspices of the Ling Association of Trained Teachers of Swedish Gymnastics. The communication referred also to the splendid behaviour of the teachers of the London school which suffered so severely in the recent air raid. Mr Fisher had already been to the school, and was proposing this week to visit it again, in order to address the scholars. The Marquis of Crewe, who presided, said the terms of Mr Fisher's letter would appeal to them all, especially his touching allusion to the terrible misfortune which befel the school in East London..."
(Sheffield Independent 18 June 1917)

This air raid likely refers to the bombing on Upper North Street School, Poplar in London's East End. It was bombed on 13 June 1917 by one of Germany's new long-distance Gotha aeroplanes. It was part of a squadron targetting the city in the first daylight air raid of the First World War. 18 children were killed (mostly 5 year olds) and at least 37 others were seriously injured. The bombing raid on London this day caused the single highest number of casualties of all air raids on the city during WWI. In total 162 people were killed and 432 injured.
Related Archival MaterialProgramme (RAHE/1/1917/26)
Reference NumberTitleDate
RAHE/1/1917/26The Ling Association - A Demonstration of Swedish Gymnastics and Country Dances16 June 1917
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
Owfamaizchit_SThe Ling Association of Trained Teachers of Swedish Gymnatsics - A Demonstration of Swedish Gymnatsic and Country Dances1
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/1771Milnes; Robert Offley Ashburton Crewe- (1858-1945); 1st Marquess of Crewe; British statesman, writer
DS/UK/5566Pease; Lord; Joseph Albert "Jack" (1860-1943); 1st Baron Gainford; British businessman, Liberal politician
DS/UK/5569Fisher; Herbert Albert Laurens (1865-1940); English historian, educator, Liberal politician
DS/UK/173Ling Physical Education Association; 1910-; Physical education body
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