
Performance TitleChristmas Festival 2012 - Handel's 'Messiah'
Performance Date15 December 2012
Performance DaySaturday
Performance Time20:02
Main PerformersLucy Crowe, Soprano,
Christine Rice, Mezzo-Soprano,
Andrew Tortise, Tenor,
Jonathan Lemalu, Bass-baritone
Orchestra or BandRoyal Philharmonic Orchestra
ChoirsGoldsmiths Choral Union,
Highgate Choral Society,
English Concert Chorus
ConductorsBrian Wright
1. 'Overture',
2. 'Comfort ye, my people', (Tenor),
3. 'Ev'ry valley shall be exalted', (Tenor),
4. 'And the glory of the Lord', (Chorus),
5. 'Thus Saith the Lord', (Bass),
6. 'But who may abide the day of his coming?', (Bass),
7. 'And he shall purify', (Chorus),
8. 'Behold, a virgin shall conceive', (Alto),
9. 'O thou that tellest', (Mezzo and Chorus),
10. 'For behold, darkness', (Bass),
11. 'The people that walked in darkness', (Bass),
12. 'For unto us a child is born', (Chorus),
13. 'Pastoral Symphony', (Orchestra),
14. 'There were shepherds', (Soprano),
14b. 'And lo, the angel', (Soprano),
15. 'And the angel said unto them', (Soprano),
16. 'And suddenly', (Soprano),
17. 'Glory to God', (Chorus),
18. 'Rejoice greatly', (Soprano),
19. 'The shall the eyes of the blind', (Alto),
20. 'He shall feed his flock', (Mezzo and Soprano),
21. 'His yoke is easy', (Chorus),
22. 'Behold the Lamb of God', (Chorus),
23. 'He was despised', (Mezzo),
24. 'Surely he hath borne our griefs', (Chorus),
25. 'And with his stripes', (Chorus),
26. 'All we like sheep have gone astray', (Chorus),
27. 'All that they see him', (Tenor),
28. 'He trusted in God', (Chorus),
29. 'Thy rebuke hath broken his heart', (Tenor),
30. 'Behold, and see', (Tenor),
31. 'He was cut off out of the land of living', (Soprano),
32. 'But thou didst not leave his soul in hell', (Soprano),
33. 'Lift up your heads', (Chorus),
40. 'Why do the nations', (Bass),
41. 'Let us break their bonds asunder', (Chorus),
42. 'He dwelleth in heaven', (Tenor),
43. 'Thou shalt break them', (Tenor),
44. 'Hallelujah', (Chorus),
45. 'I know that my redeemer liveth', (Soprano),
46. 'Since by man came death', (Chorus),
47. 'Behold I tell you a mystery', (Bass),
48. 'The trumpet shall sound', (Bass),
49. 'Then shall be brought to pass', (Mezzo),
53. 'Worthy is the Lamb that was slain', (Chorus),
Related Archival MaterialProgramme (RAHE/1/2012/187),
Handbill (RAHE/6/2012/83),
Poster (RAHE/2/2012/41)
Reference NumberTitleDate
RAHE/1/2012/187Christmas Festival 2012 - Handel's 'Messiah'14-15 December 2012
RAHE/6/2012/83Christmas Festival 201213-24 December 2012
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
Work8050Christmas Festival 201225
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/1532Goldsmiths; Goldsmiths Choral Union (GCU); 1932-; English amateur choir
DS/UK/785London Concert Chorus; fl 2011-2012; English choir
DS/UK/41Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (RPO); 1946-; British orchestra
DS/UK/3469Crowe; Lucy (fl 2002-); British soprano
DS/UK/3470Rice; Christine (fl 1990s-); British mezzo-soprano
DS/UK/3471Tortise; Andrew (fl 2002-); British tenor
DS/UK/1072Lemalu; Jonathan (1976-); New Zealand bass-baritone
DS/UK/2904Highgate Choral Society; 1878-; English choir
DS/UK/5324English Concert Chorus; 1989-; English choir
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