
Performance TitleSpecial Sunday Concert - Alice Verlet, Wladimir Rozing and Misca Elman
Performance Date25 May 1913
Performance DaySunday
Performance Time15:30
Main PerformersMischa Elman,
Alice Verlet,
M Vladimir Rosing - vocals
Secondary PerformersSydney Stoeger,
Percy B Kahn - pianoforte
Set List'Symphony Espagnole', Lala (Mischa Elman),
'Caro Nome' from Rigoletto, Verdi (Alice Verlet),
'Che Gelida Manina' from La Boheme, Puccini (Vladimir Rosing),
'Preislied', Wagner, arr. Wilhelmj (Mischa Elman),
'Minuet', Haydn,
'Ave Maria', Schubert, arr. Wihelmj,
'Hungarian Dance, No.7', Brahms,
'Shadow Song' (Dinorah), Meyerbeer (Alice Verlet),
Aria: 'Werther', Massenet (Vladimir Rosing),
'Serenade' (sung in Russian), Reehkoonoff,
'Waltz Song' from Romeo and Juliet, Gounod (Alice Verlet),
'Zigeunerweisen', Sarasate (Mischa Elman)
Related Archival MaterialProgramme (RAHE/1/1912/SC)
Reference NumberTitleDate
RAHE/1/1913/37/SCSpecial Sunday Concerts25 May 1913
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
IopomearatinclSpecial Sunday Concerts (1913 Season)8
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/192Rosing; Vladimir (1890-1963); Russian operatic tenor and stage director
DS/UK/4150Verlet; Alice (1873-1934); Belgian-born operatic coloratura soprano active primarily in France
DS/UK/341Elman; Mischa (Mikhail ) (1891-1967); Russian violinist
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