
Performance TitleThe Seventh International Professional and Amateur Ballroom Dancing Championships 1959, in aid of The Friends of Jewish Agricultural Training
Performance Date29 October 1959
Performance DayThursday
Performance Time18:30
Main PerformersFirst Round
Bob Barber and Joan Ades,
Joe Elkerton and Kathleen Elkerton,
Don Millington and Betty Millington,
Jimmy Fellows and Tina Fellows,
Ken Bateman and Blanche Ingle,
John Irvine and Angela Irvine,
Jack Schofield and Yvonne De Bauffler,
Ron Stevens and Joyce Hollingsworth,
Eddie Noyce and Muriel Noyce,
Stan Dudley and Christine Norton,
Johnnie Mac and Jacqueline Greig,
Roel Gerver and R Donders,
John Knight and Joan Knight,
Freddy Kay and Betty Winters,
Tommy Kean and Edna Lake,
Dennis Udell and Joyce Brampton,
John Carton and Joan Carton,
Alf Kendall and Hetty Armstrong,
Bernard Knight and Shirley Daye,
Harry Smith-Hampshire and Doreen Casey,
Pat Laine and June Carlyle,
Fred Boultwood and Joyce Boultwood,
Alf Brown and Pamela Joy,
Bob Burgess and Doreen Freeman,
Hugh Fowler and Jill Lawrence,
Alan Cray and Meryl Marner,
Jack Richards and Phyllis Owen,
Don Morrell and Joy Morrell,
Tony Clark and Gladys Mortimer,
John Summers and Ivy Summers,
Bob Awford and Joan Awford,
Peter Tomlin and Gloria Rudd,
Bobby Short and Peggy Davis,
Pat Button and Gladys Fortune,
Freddy Vernon and Eileen Murphy,
Harry Boult and Elsa Boult,
Roy Knight and Mary Knight,
Johnnie Finlay and Janet Lawrence
Desmond Ellison and Brenda Winslade,
Bill Phillips and Rose Phillips,
Jack Liddell and Jessie Davis,
Eric Richmond and Patricia Muncer,
Paddy Shanahan and June Wilding,
Benny Tolmeyer and Sylvia Sylve,
Ted Quick and Shirley Genn,
Andy Fox and Beryl Wilson,
Ray Reeves and Rita Hunter,
Keith Burton and Betty Bouston,
Sammy Harris and Pearl Rudd,
Stan Page and Beryl Holland,
John Odell and Barbara Austin,
Raymond Draper and Molly Mackenzie,
Terry Mezen and Rene McDonough,
Denis Murphy and Doreen Murphy,
Billy Bourne Edna Adams,
Michael Needham Monica Dunsford,
Paul Doorme and Betty Doorme,
Roger Ronnaux and Micheline Ronnaux,
Wim Bonel and Bep Hekking,
Primo Lazzarini and Roberta Lazzarini

International Amatuer Championship - First Round:
Bill Douthart & Lynne Justice,
Michael Houseman & Valerie Waite,
Joe & Joan Pearce,
Dennis Gee & Brenda Barnes,
John Roberts & Anne Garnham,
Norman & Dorothy Bell,
John & Shirley Donaldson,
Derek Green & June Apsland,
Ken & Irene Otter,
Bryan Isaacs & Gaye Biffen,
George Coad & Patricia Thompson,
Stephen Lovegrove & Jeanne Burmister,
Bob Adam & Pat Fletcher,
Billy McKenzie & Christine Porter,
Jack & Bessie Rayner,
Bob Burt & Beryl Davis,
Robin Short & Patricia Stringer,
Geoffrey Fells & May Morton,
Peter Steadman & Iris Perry,
Seth Thomas & Mary Endacott,
Antony Wilson & Glenda Church,
Edward Cruddas & Audrey Salmon,
Jimmy Pearson & Irene Keay,
Peter & Brenor Burns,
Philip Wylie & Elsie Bowerman,
Derek Whitelock & Betty Sullivan,
Derek & Ethel Brookes,
Peter Castle & Doreen Martin,
Ian Bargh & Pamela Suthers,
Bill Chandler & Ethel Seaborn,
Kit & Phyllis Halliwell,
Anthony Hurley & Fay Saxton,
Michael Widgery & Margaret Carr,
Ernie & Myra Chatt,
Brian Surtees & Sylvia Dearden,
Dennis Winyard & Eileen Barclay,
Jim Baker & Anna Capaldi,
Terry Fielden & Sylvia Rimington,
Paddy & Eira Stewart,
Arthur Taylor & Pamela Hailliway,
Terence O'Connell & Denise Pullin,
Mervyn Higgins & June Hurt,
Bob Collins & Maureen Wills,
Dennis & Maureen Byron,
Mr & Mrs.W.Dixon,
Jan & Nancy Renilson,
George Syth & Carole Huson,
John & Betty Westley,
Don & Beryl Oakley,
Derrick Squires & Peggy Callaghan,
Phil Peters & Marguerite Bauch,
Roy & Mavis Priestley,
Jon Solomon & Dena Pursehouse,
Jack & Rose Parker,
Dennis Pulford & Margaret Stanton,
Ken Rayner & Doreen Proffitt,
Sidney Carr & Nina Pritchard,
John Driscoll & Mary Hancock,
Graham Stowbridge & Pat Carder,
Jim Crotty & Valerie Thompsett,
Peter Hopkinson & Joan Hinton,
Jimmy & Jean Allen,
Ken Shillingford & Joan Armstrong,
Michael Noble & Pamela Lavis,
Leslie Banks & Daphne Day,
Raymond Soffle & Joyce Gillies,
John & Patricia Janisch,
Gerald & Hilda Grady,
James Dykes & Elaine East,
Ron & Maureen Fox,
Ray & Sheila Moore,
Charles Ellis & Maureen Canavan,
Eddie Harvey & Joyce Asling,
Donald & Betty Hopper,
George & Sylvia Maitland,
Raymond & Dorothy Casey,
Len Armstrong & Elaine Welch,
Michael & Doris Collins,
Tommy & Kay Patterson,
Brian McNelly & Ida Clinkstell,
Frank Harkin & Ethel McFadyen,
Tony & Valerie Goodyear,
Brian Considine & Pauline Woods,
Dennis & Joyce Room,
Les Comber & Irene Allen,
Geoff & Doreen Best,
Rodney Upsdell & Maureen O'Higgins,
Jack Congdon & Oddie Myers,
Ron Shelton & Pat Murray,
Monsieur & Mdme. Bernard Martin,
Erik Hybel & Dorrit Hansen,
Henk & Rita Holshuijsen,
Mr & Mrs Arne Eriksen

The Israel Trophy - Latin-American Professional Trophy (Four Dance Contest) contestants:
Harry & Marjorie Tonge,
Alfred Freeman & Lillian Sullivan,
Peter Varley & Diana Talbot,
James Hayes & Eileen Pollard,
James Arnell & Jillian La Valette,
Jimmy Hulbert & Carol Dourof,
Russell Page & Doris Barker,
Bernard & Hylda Lee,
Harold Hulley & Doreen Edwards,
Derek & Rose Bassi,
Harry Tonkin & Patricia Viccars,
Walter Laird & Lorraine Reynolds,
Alfred Brown & Pamela Joy,
Ronald Ross & Jennifer Cryer,
Brian P.Hayley & Val Leswer,
Derek Harris & Rosina Wright,
Stanley Jackson & Maureen Lait,
Alfred Garner & Margaret Robinson,
Brian Dowdalls & Sheila Hewitt,
John & Joan Carton,
Peter Cornish & Molly Berry,
Maurice Madhukar & Toni Tynegate-Smith

The Jewish Observer Trophy - Latin-American AMateur Trophy (Four Dance Contest) competitors:
Ron & Maureen Fox,
Monsieur & Mdme. Bernard Martin,
Alan C.Finch & Joan W.Thurtell,
C.R.Mayhew & Lillian De Brun,
Ronald Smith & Jill Stevens,
Ken Cooke & Audrey Croome,
Tom O'Farrell & Joan Smith,
John & Beryl Littlefield,
Douglas Horner & Sheila Armstrong,
Ted & Pamela Conway,
Gene Cummings & Daphne Harris,
Paddy Simmonds & Shena Moore,
William & Iris Bonning,
Peter William Davis & Margaret Greenfield,
Alan Shaw & Ann Tinkley,
John Sykes & Jenny Allen,
Peter Mathews & Lisa Payne,
Robert O'Hara & Margaret Nuthall,
Raymond William Albert Sandler & Theresa Anne Clarke,
Gerald Vail & Irene Bateman,
Derek & Sheila Hillyard,
George & Margaret Green,
Richard Morley & Marjorie Horne,
Reginald & Alys Harrild,
Richard Victor & Margaret Daphne Watson,
Richard Grimwade & Janet Wilkins,
Arthur & Joan Harrison,
Ron Brandon & Carole Burrage,
John Eley & Wendy Fiander,
Steve Lovegrove & Jeanne Burmister,
Ernest Mott & Christine Karangelo

Elsa Wells Trophy - Juvenile Trophy (Four Dance Contest) contestants:
John Brown and Shirley Aldren,
Michael Hatchwell and Pamela Lorn,
Terry Rose and Denise Harris,
Peter Wagner and Christine Bedford,
Derek Povey and Jacqueline Durham,
Graham Griffiths and June Smith,
Raymond Brown and Penny Watts,
Stuart Nicholson and Jennifer Johnson,
Michael Baker and Susan Morton,
Patrick Johnson and Vivian May,
Phillip Baines and Stella Sharples,
Keith Hobson and Ann Finnis,
Terry Townsend and Hazel Bryant,
Stuart Maxwell and Barbara Baldwin,
Frank Venables and Frances Audrey,
Roger Harris and Jennifer Farmer,
David Bird and Beverley Scobie,
Roger Wood and Marilyn Downton,
John Moulder and Wendy Flower,
Colin Twine and Antonette Leach,
Barry Hobbins and Marion Upsdell,
Stanley Ford and Sandra Warne,
Michael Barr and Pauline Seymour,
Grahma Fox and Barbara Spendlove,
David Rule and Julie Hine,
Brian Sherwood and Jeanette Daley,
Kenneth Rule and June Goodman,
Brian Carling and Janice Large,
Brian Youlton and Carole Akers,
Derek Diamond and Vivienne Lee,
Alan Johnson and Vivian Scaffold,
Desmond Dunkerley and Irene Clay,
Robert Bower and Cheryl Hagen,
Rodney Weeks and Sandra Foot,
John Batterbury and Mary Macbeth,
Alan Roger Morris and Jean Ann Cunnington,
John Lamberts and Kathleen Baines,
Anthony Michael Jones and Wendy Ann Richardson,
Philip Birch and Barbara Hoar,
Paul Dellow and Gladys Baxter,
Terry Sherwood and Madeleine Audry,
Brian Tolhurst and Jacqueline Hutchins,
Gilbert Livesey and Hazell Bargh,
Brian Akers and Janet Akers

Duel of the Giants:
Peter Eggleton and Diana Gradwell,
Eric Donaldson and Edna Barnett
Secondary PerformersAngela Buxton-Silk,
David Nations,
Donald Silk - assessors,
Charles Jacobs - chief scrutineer,
Frank Alback,
Simon Harwich,
Ralph Joseph,
Joseph Kay,
Alfred Klein,
Cecil Sharpe - scrutineers

Josephine Bradley, Elsa Wells, John Buiys, Carl Carlsen, Gaston D'Erlimont, Major J.Holmboe, Leon Maetens, Gwen Silvester, Phyllis Haylor, Alex Moore, Alf Davies, Monsieur Pierre, Alex Warren, Laura Dixon, Wally Fryer, Bob Garganico, Len Scrivener, Herbert Saunders, Victor Barrett, Charles Thiebualt, Harry Tucker, Doris Lavelle, George Holden, Tommy Rogers, Jimmy Small, Hildora Mac, Sidney Francis, Constance Grant, Albert Morgan, Jimmy Wilde, Jack Orton-Smith, Gwenethe Walshe, Len Colyer, Guy Howard, Frank Gibson, Sonny Binick, Ernest Brant, Anne Letts, Dimitri Petrides - adjudicators

Mrs Isaac Wolfson,
Peter Morrison,
Mr I Archer - prize givers
Orchestra or BandLou Preager and His Orchestra,
Victor Silvester and His Ballroom Orchestra,
Joe Loss and His Orchestra,
Dagenham Girl Pipers
Set List'Hatikvah',
'God Save the Queen' (The National Anthem)
Performance NotesThe event was broadcast on BBC television at 22:45.
Harry Smith-Hampshire and Doreen Casey were crowned winners.
Related Archival MaterialProgramme (RAHE/1/1959/131),
Ballroom Dress and Accessories (RAHE/8/12/8)
Reference NumberTitleDate
RAHE/1/1959/131The Seventh International Professional and Amateur Ballroom Dancing Championships 195929 October 1959
RAHE/8/12/8Ballroom Dancing Costume - Doreen Casey1959
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
AibiehomowkotiexThe Seventh International Professional and Amateur Ballroom Dancing Championships 1959, in aid of The Friends of Jewish Agricultural Training1
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/7891Wells; Elsa (fl 1920s-1960s); British dancer, dance coach
DS/UK/7540Victor Silvester and His Ballroom Orchestra; fl 1940s-1960s; British ballroom orchestra
DS/UK/7942Loss; Joe (22 June 1909-6 June 1990); LVO OBE; British musician
DS/UK/2818The Dagenham Girl Pipers; 1930-; English female bagpipe band
DS/UK/9233Grant; Constance (fl 1950s-1960s); British dance school proprietor
DS/UK/9762Garganico; Bob (fl 1950s-1960s); British dance school proprietor
DS/UK/11538Scrivener; Len (fl 1950s); British ballroom dancer
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