
Performance TitleArmistice Sunday Spiritualist Meeting (The House of Red Cloud)
Performance Date13 November 1938
Performance DaySunday
Main PerformersShaw Desmond,
Maurice Barbanell,
Hannen Swaffer,
Estelle Roberts [spirit guide 'Red Cloud'] - speakers
Secondary PerformersHenry Wilson - organ
Set ListHymn: 'Praise The Lord!',
Hymn: 'O God, Our Help in Ages Past',
Hymn: 'Open My Eyes That I May See',
Clairvoyance (Estelle Roberts)
Performance NotesReported 8,000 people in attendance.

"Not one war victim was among the many 'dead' people described to the vast Albert Hall audience on Sunday by Estelle Roberts. All that, you know was twenty years ago. ...

...The first message was from a spirit boy, killed a few weeks before in a street accident, who looked vainly in the huge crowd for his mother. 'This boy is intense with excitement and is most anxious to meet his mother,' said Estelle, after giving his name Kennedy, and several other distinguishing points about him. 'Is his mother here?' A man's voice replied 'She could not come.' 'Are you this boy's father?' said Estelle. 'Yes' came the reply. Then the medium repeated the conversation that had taken place in the home, before the man had left for the meeting. 'The boy says you asked his mum to come here, and she did not want to come. She said she did not think she could stand it.' Then Estelle described the spirit she could see. She gave approximately his height and age - she said 15, but it was really 16 - and aid he had been on the Other Side about six or seven weeks. The father said it was not so long as that. 'All I remember is going out on my bicycle,' he said 'and then suddenly there was oblivion and I was in the spirit world.' Anxious that his parents should not blame the driver of the vehicle that collided with him, the boy declared it was all his own fault.
After describing to a woman in the audience her husband - she gave his full name, Johnny Dwyer, and said he was an actor - the medium went on: 'Your husband says that you asked him if he could possibly come back tonight, to bring with him Eugene Stratton and Marie Lloyd.'... 'Your husband, your son and your daughter are here on this platform,' she said, 'with your friends Eugene Stratton and Marie Lloyd. They are all very much alive.'
Next came a message for her son Leslie who, Estelle said, was in a touring company. Then came an assurance from the Other Side that a woman in the audience, worrying about her health, had not cancer as she feared. It started with a very full description of a young woman who, when she 'died' was 24 or 25 and who was looking for her mother. She gave the name of Engels. The mother at once responded and acknowledged as true the further information Estelle gave that the girl's breathing was bad before she passed on and she gasped as if the lungs were affected. 'She tells me she has been in the spirit world between four and five years.' ... The 'dead' daughter told how, while she had been waiting for her turn to be described, she had asked some doctors on the Other Side to examine her mother and they said she had not the cancer that she feared asn she would not have to undergo an operation. ...
...The medium asked for a man named Willis, whose father was on the Other Side as well as his mother. When the man replied, Estelle described an elderly woman who was in his environment a short time before, who complained about her chest and who was very short of breath. If care was exercised, said the medium, her distress would disappear.
A very unusual name was the start of the next series of messages. The name sounded at first like Craddow, then Blackow. It was a spirit who wanted his wife. The wife answered and said the name was Blakoe. After describing the spirit husband, a man of about 30 years when he 'died', the medium spoke of an incident that happened to the woman on her way to the meeting. 'Did you come along with a friend and were you talking to her about her daughter on the Other Side?' Estelle asked. 'Your husband tells me you said to yourself, if not out loud, 'If she could only get a message from her daugther tonight, I know what that would mean to her as her daughter has not been over very long. Your husband received your thought and he has brought with him tonight your friend's daughter,' said the medium. ... 'He tells me that your daughter was killed,' she said. The medium described the girl - 'a fine-looking young woman,' and said she was killed in a street a motor-cycle sidecar.' ... 'She says she remembers them swerving and then nothign else,' said Estelle. 'She does not want you to remember her as you did for some little time, with her head and face injured. She wants you to think of her as being full of life and happiness and with the desire to be near you just as she always was.'
The name of 'Scantlebury' was claimed as a code by someone who said she understood this word, agreed, a few days ago, between herself and her communicator who had promised to manifest at this meeting. Then the medium gave a very full description of an elderly woman named Elizabeth, whom the woman acknowledged to be her father's aunt, and other names that were recognised as being those of people in the family.. A woman in the gallery, far away from the medium, claimed the next message from a spirit named Cooper who wanted his wife named Annie. 'He has brought his and your daughter with him,' said Estelle. 'Don't cry,' urged the medium 'Just realise that they are able to speak to you and are alive.' Then she told the woman how, just before leaving for the meeting, she went to a cupboard, took out a scarf belonging to him and held it for a moment before putting it back. 'Your husband and your daughter were watching you,' the medium continued. 'They know your lonliness and your husband wants me to tell you how happy he is to have been able to speak to you and to being your little girl along with him.' ... There was a mention too of her husband's brother, whom he had met in the spirit world, and who assured the wife that she need have no fear she would not meet her husband and daughter again.
Then came another apirit husband, giving the name of Fabian and asking for his wife Florence... and then the medium spoke of her sister Clara, who was with her, saying her husband, named Bresley... 'Was your husband about fifty?' asked Estelle. 'Fourty-nine' answered the woman. 'And Mr Breely was a little older?' 'He was sixty.' 'And are you both strangers to me?' 'Yes we have come from Torquay.'
(Psychic News, 19 November 1938)
Related Archival MaterialProgramme (RAHE/1/1938/65)
Reference NumberTitleDate
RAHE/1/1938/65Armistice Sunday - Order of Service - Spiritualist Service13 November 1938
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
Aivalcdiegif_KArmistice Sunday Spiritualist Meeting (The House of Red Cloud)1
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/3466Swaffer; Hannen (1879-1962); British journalist, drama critic
DS/UK/1525Roberts 'Red Cloud'; Estelle (1889-1970); English clairvoyant
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