
Performance TitleInternational Ballroom Dancing Championships 1969, in aid of The Friends of Jewish Agricultural Training
Performance Date30 October 1969
Performance DayThursday
Performance Time18:30
Main PerformersInternational Professional Championship Contestants:
Anthony Hurley and Fay Saxton,
Eddie and Joyce Harvey,
Eric Rowlands and Shirley Sayers,
Paddy Shanahan and June Wilding,
Jack and June Gould,
Geoffrey and Mary Hardman,
Derrick Squires and Peggy Callaghan,
Donald and Jean Hibbert,
Howard Ellis and Carol Chafer,
Hugh Fowler and Jill Lawrence,
Bert and Ena Hughes,
Lawrence Vyse and Olga Hogan,
Tony and Dorothy Lord,
Michael Needham and Monica Dunsford,
Colin Twine and Toni Leach,
Anthony Goodyear and Paula Smith,
Don and Pearl Williams,
Ray Reeves and Annette Sheridan,
John and Betty Westley,
Kevin and Joan Payne,
Graham and Andrea Large,
Michael Houseman and Valerie Waite,
Alan and Thelma Kindred,
Terry and Janet Frowen,
Malcolm and Gwendoline Leach,
Wally Clarke and Wym Roche,
Peter and Marion Brown,
Jimmy and June Harman,
Len Armstrong and Vivienne Hawley,
Jack and Jessie Liddell,
Tony Clark and Gladys Mortimer,
Michael Pharaoh and Patricia Burrows,
Robin Short and Rita Last,
Raymond Miles and Mary Richardson,
Stan Page and Beryl Holland,
Peter Eggleton and Brenda Winslade,
John Donaldson and Patricia Scarah,
Fred and Peggy Kitchen,
Ken and Gwen Henderson,
Dennis Udell and Joyce Brampton,
David Douglas and Janice Barb,
Geoff and Doreen Best,
Ray and Sheila Moore,
Alan and Audrey Hurst,
Bryan Isaac and Gaye Biffen,
Charles and Jean Waters,
Brian Bacon and Pamela Marsden,
Charles Jarrett and Jacqueline Burren,
Russ and Wynne Hesketh,
Raymond Callis and Joyce Waudby,
Clem and Joan Hales,
Dorritt and Eric Hybel,
Marcel and Ratna de Rijk,
Irene and Hubert Scharmer,
Hilde and Herbert Schoebel,
Tetsuji and Shigemi Kojima

International Amateur Championship Contestants:
Graham Hales and Pat Fisher,
Keith and Maureen Shurrock,
Bryan and Edna Allen,
John and Ivonne Greco,
Dave and June David,
Len Levett and Eilene Burrows,
Ron Baldwin and Rita Bradley,
Frank Venables and Linda Horwood,
Brian Crompton and Patricia Griffiths,
David and Yvonne Osborn,
Frank and Barbara Wilding,
Paul and Brenda Bishop,
Peter and Valerie Elliott,
Denis Gascoigne and Margaret Stanley,
Ron and Sheila Brown,
Roy and Brenda Twigg,
Kenneth Smith and Gail Cuthbertson,
David and Margaret Nock,
Sat Estenaga and Janet Morgan,
Timothy Palmer and Sandra Smith,
Roger Metcalf and Patricia Stones,
Brian and Ida McNelly,
Les and Doreen German,
Alan and Margaret Phelps,
Terry and Eunice Bennett,
Jim and Anita McKenzie,
Michael and Brigitte Friis,
Roy and Phyllis Romain,
John and Joyce Walter,
Alna and Daphne Cowan,
Tony Kagan and Elizabeth Myers,
Keith Fryer and Wendy Chater,
Gerald and Christine Kitchen,
Tony and Barbara Dudden,
Michael Puttock and Beryl Smith,
Les and Barbara Mace,
Glenn Boyce and Lynette Brown,
Norman and Doris White,
Malcolm and Pamela Chance,
John and Maureen Moase,
Malcolm King and Denise Lewis,
Michael and Mary Julian,
Ron Hainsworth and Fay Coates,
Richard Hunt and Ann Robinson,
Ken Welsh and Catharine Owen,
Alan and Joan Merrall,
Ray Ellis and Beryl Singleton,
Tony and Betty Scott,
Peter Cavey and Deanne Newman,
Gary Richardson and Susan Pedwin,
Derek Green and June Aspland,
Bert and Shirley Brewer,
Richard Gleave and Janet Wade,
Brian and Barbara Price,
David Hill and Sheila Middleweek,
Eddie White and Kathleen Leach,
Anthony and Margaret Marlin,
Christopher Grant and Penny Saunders,
Graham Johnson and Christine Rowe,
Leonard and Margaret Page,
Leslie and Jean Tutton,
John and Marjorie Hewlett,
Leighton and Gloria Jones,
Raymond Root and Frances Spires,
Alex Summer and Ada Starling,
George Farquhar and Valerie Pointon,
John Mathews and Iris Harrison,
Peter Maxwell and Lynn Harman,
Richard Hopkins and Sally Baker,
Bill and Sylvia Mitchell,
George Atkins and Teddie Blaxall,
Jim Nash and Lilian Nelson,
Harry Graybine and Ann Colley,
Stephen Day and Georgina Jordan,
Stephen Hillier and Lynn Clifton,
Philip and Carol Perry,
Leonard and Ruth Morris,
John and Joan Vickers,
Ron and Joan Rose,
Richard Pape and Christine Hathaway,
George Fox and Sylvia Hewitt,
Byron Charleton and Maureen Alexander,
Philip Wylie and Pam Peters,
Leslie and Margery Alexander,
David and Barbara Parsons,
Derek Povey and Linda Crane,
Michael Gillon and Virginia Hollingshead,
Eric and Kathleen Jule,
Keith Brewer and Shirley Wardman,
Frank and Kay Mercer,
Michael Barr and Vicky Green,
Ted and Sybil Harman,
David Newton and Doreen Stevens,
George and Audrey Mitchell,
Brian Puttock and Susan Burgess,
Robert Bellinger and Linda Munt,
William Hook and Geraldine Goodman,
Michael and Margaret Skinner,
David and Hazel Snelling,
Desmond Grey and Elaine Grant,
Dennis and Jean Tavener,
Arthur and Sheila Seddon,
George and Elma Stewart,
Barry Killiner and Paula Huskinds,
Philip Godfrey and Judith Hague,
Keith Jones and Jackie Ward,
John and June Coode,
Patrick Johnson and Evelyn Wade,
Philip Conway and Jackalyn Briggs,
Ernie and Myra Chatt,
Martyn Pape and Carole Bradbury,
George and Eileen Clarke,
Cyril and Doreen Nash,
Richard Ball and Rosalind Lacey,
Paul Taylor and Gillian Kershaw,
Tommy and Kay Patterson,
Graham Pulford and Rita Catling,
Melvyn Wood and Edith Hall,
David Durrant and Margaret Montgomery,
Richard Foley and Kay Waterman,
Joe and Jean McEvoy,
Richard Wienecke and Karin Withander,
Gerard and Liliane Payaud,
Joop Bronmeyer and Elly Beck

The Israel Trophy - The Latin-American Professional Trophy (Dour Dance Contest) Competitors:
Marcel and Ratna de Rijk,
Philip Jackson and Janet Harrison,
Hubert and Irene Scharmer,
Kevin and Joan Payne,
Bryan Isaac and Gaye Biffen,
Robert and Marguerite O'Hara,
Michael Stylianos and Lorna Lee,
Alan and Audrey Hurst,
Len Goodman and Cherry Kingston,
Brian Bacon and Pamela Marsden,
Howard Ellis and Carol Chafer,
Hugh Fowler and Jill Lawrence,
Graham and Andrea Large,
Peter and Marion Brown,
Tetsuji and Shigemi Kojima,
Dennis and Olive Drew,
Desmond and Eileen McIntyre,
Russ and Wynne Hesketh,
Raymond Miles and Mary Richardson,
David and Valerie Capon,
Stuart and Wendy West,
Peter Billett and Doreen Key,
Lawrence Frank and June Poynter

The Jewish Observor Trophy - The Ltin-American Amateur Trophy (Four Dance Contest) Competitors:
Paul and Brenda Bishop,
Jim Turkington and Rosalie Fenton Smith,
Frank and Kay Mercer,
Peter Cavey and Deanne Newman,
Graham Mitchell and June Cross,
Keith Stonehouse and Roslyn Appleton,
Leighton and Gloria Jones,
Dennis and Kay Bell Taylor,
Richard Ball and Rosalind Lacey,
Christopher Grant and Penny Saunders,
Peter Maxwell and Lynn Harman,
Bill and Margaret Bush,
Robert Bellinger and Linda Munt,
Glenn Boyce and Lynette Brown,
Roger and Betty Day,
Michael and Mary Julian,
Brian and Linda Macnamara,
Anthony Gornhall and Elaine Southerden,
David Harding and Julia Hall,
Michael and Barbara Kosky,
David and Hazel Snelling,
Alan and Hazel Fletcher,
Desmond Grey and Elaine Grant,
Kenneth Robinson and Susan Lunn,
Philip and Carol Perry,
Derek Povey and Linda Crane,
Jeffrey and Ann Rhind,
Joseph and Jean McEvoy,
Michael Gillon and Virginia Hollingshead,
Kenneth Smith and Gail Cuthbertson,
David and Eileen Clarke,
Derek Jameson and Anne McIntosh,
Norman and Doris White,
Roy Harris and Patricia Austin,
Denis Gascoigne and Margaret Stanley,
Alan and Christine Howell,
Roy and Brenda Twigg,
Robert and June Coode,
Richard Foley and Kay Waterman,
Ron Hainsworth and Fay Coates,
Joop Bronmyer and Elly Beck,
Alan Armsby and Avril Leonard,
John Matthews and Iris Harrison,
Peter Harris and Barbara Colman,
Trevor Laflin and Alison Millar,
Clive Taylor and Jennifer Mothersole,
John and Yvonne Greco,
Anthony Bennett and Lynda Jenkins,
Keith Brewer and Shirley Wardman,
Robert and Elizabeth Elliott,
Martin Blandford and Anita Wilson,
Kenneth Bland and Pamela McGill,
James Stevens and Linda Wylie,
Stephen Hillier and Lynn Clifton

The Elsa Wells Trophy - The Junior Trophy (Four Dance Contest) Competitors:
Graham Pritchard and Susan Mansley,
Malcolm Knights and Marion Dees,
Reginald and Denise Yates,
Stephen and Elizabeth Jones,
John Middleton and Lesley Rigby,
Kenneth Winstanley and Janet Alexander,
Martin Harvey and Elizabeth Adey,
Trevor Trueman and Christine Queen,
Christopher Keep and Kay Kendall,
Gary Bowles and Susan Hudd,
Ivan Avery and Ann Palmer,
Nigel Penny and Lynn Cusack,
Philip Lewis and Dawn Jew,
Michael Fowler and Jacqueline Swinyard,
Jeffrey Dobinson and Joyce King,
Andrew Wibling and Jane Munt,
Gary Metcalf and Lynda Swales,
Tony and Wendy Corringham,
Robert Gray and Carole Thompson,
Donald Barraclough and Hilary Smith,
Paul Hopper and Carole Meachen,
Paul Harrison and Jennifer Crossland,
John Vyse and Carol Albutt,
Trevor Pryor and Janice Colville,
Keith Brench and Patricia Clark,
Kevin Guyatt and Denise Worthy,
Graham Williamson and Jenny Willett,
Christopher Miles and Valerie Nichol,
Eric Clift and Leigh Peters,
Martin Tart and Louisa McMurray,
Michael Lavelle and Beverley Monk,
Clifford Jackson and Deborah Cooke,
Christopher Vickers and Lorraine Chafer,
Carl Kirkland and Susan Hilton,
Michael Shepherd and Julie Crawford,
Terence Lamb and Susan Riddell,
Philip Thompson and Lynda Tickner,
Martin Callaway and Trudy Eaton,
Vincent Lewis and Marie Macklin,
Mervyn and Wendy Herbert,
David Neaves and Angela Turvill,
Stephen Glister and Janet Neaves,
Steven Cooper and Janice Davies,
Gerald Wood and Susan Wormwood,
Nigel Tiffany and Kim Bigate,
David Bland and Fiona Bailey,
David Blankley and Carol Singleton,
Richard Paterman and Patricia Burrage

The Lawson Trophy - The Juvenile Trophy (Four Dance Conest) Competitors:
Kevin Cowen and Karen Knights,
James McCormick and Lynn Dawson,
Neil Smith and Julie Allmond,
Robert Foster and Teresa Wilson,
Colin Nash and Lorraine Miller,
David Tickner and Denise Wright,
David Adamson and Julie Sohl,
Graham Riddell and Barbara Moody,
Paul Phillips and Christine Jones,
Christopher Skates and Julie Webster,
Martin Parrack and Merle Maclean,
Keith Bailey and Gillian Saville,
Paul Harris and Denise Byron,
Trevor Redhead and Susan Chambers,
Malcolm Clements and Tina Laming,
Russell Monk and Susan Cotton,
David Stevenson and Pamela Walker,
Andrew Harries and Jane Sinclair,
Barry Worsley and Katrina Pidcock,
Anton Ellender and Jane Riley,
Alan Allchin and Jill Mercer,
Gary and Kim Chantler,
Keith Holliday and Susan Broadley,
Ian Walton and Catherine Jones,
Simon Pape and Carole Lowery,
Martin Clark and Tina Kendall,
Alan Marks and Melissa Kemp,
David Nertney and Elaine Cairnow,
Alan Wilson and Elaine Parry,
Robin Healey and Carol Stone,
Michael Nicholls and Karen Lusher

Duel of the Giants:
Pierre Dulaine and Janette,
The Conways
Secondary PerformersElsa Wells,
Brian Johnston,
Don Moss - commentators,
Charles Jacobs - chief scrutineer,
Leon Grabman,
Alfred Katz,
Sidney Pizer,
Leon Rosen,
Cecil Sharp,
Joe Elkerton - scrutineers

Josephine Bradley, Elsa Wells, Wim Van Beek, Pat Corbett, Peter Eichhorn, Sammy Osborne, Freddy Pedersen, Kitty Andrews, Edna Barnett, Phyllis Haylor, Doris Lavelle, Gwen Silvester, Sylvia Sylve, Gwenethe Walshe, Stan Atack, Ken Bateman, George Begley, Sonny Binick, Ernest Brant, Bob Dale, Jack Dixon, Raymond Draper, Charles Frost, Guy Howard, Keith Jones, Lionel Kibble, Jack Orton-Smith, Bobby Philp, Fred Porritt, Tommy Rogers, Albert Rudge, Herbert Saunders, Len Scrivener, Bobby Short, Jimmy Small, Harry Smith-Hampshire, Jimmy Wilde
Orchestra or BandEric Winstone and His Orchestra,
Victor Silvester and His Ballroom Orchestra,
Edmundo Ros and His Latin-American Orchestra
Set ListThe Amateur Grand Final,
The Professional Grand Final The ' Duel of the Giants ' - The Conways v Pierre Dulaine andJanette.

'God Save the Queen' (The National Anthem)
Performance NotesThe event was broadcast on BBC television at 23:15 on 30 October 1969.
Related Archival MaterialProgramme (RAHE/1/1969/155)
Reference NumberTitleDate
RAHE/1/1969/155The International Ballroom Dancing Championships 1969, in aid of The Friends of Jewish Agricultural Training30 October 1969
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
Cgolowpol_RionInternational Ballroom Dancing Championships 1969, in aid of The Friends of Jewish Agricultural Training1
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/16987Dulaine; Pierre (1944-); Palestinian-born ballroom dancer, dance instructor
DS/UK/6874Winstone; Eric (1913-1974); English big band leader, composer
DS/UK/3643Silvester; Victor Marlborough (1900-1978); English dancer, author, musician, bandleader
DS/UK/2947Ros; Edmundo William (1910-2011); OBE; Trinidadian musician, singer, bandleader
DS/UK/7891Wells; Elsa (fl 1920s-1960s); British dancer, dance coach
DS/UK/15535Goodman; Len (25 April 1944-22 April 2023); British professional ballroom dancer, dance judge, dance coach
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