
Performance TitleNational Eisteddfod of Wales - First Concert
Performance Date9 August 1887
Performance DayTuesday
Performance Time11:00
Main PerformersEos Morlais,
Eleanor Rees,
Mary Davies,
James Sauvage,
Edith Wynne,
Lucas Williams,
Lizzie Evans

John Thomas - harp
Secondary PerformersLord Mostyn,
Stephen Evans JP - speakers
Orchestra or BandThe Band of 25 Harps
ChoirsThe Eisteddfod Choir,
Cynon Gles Society,
Merthyr Orpheus,
London Welsh Choir,
Brynaman Choir,
Tredegar Orpheus,
Rhondda Choir,
Glyn Tawe Choir,
Dowlais Choir,
Arfonie Chhpir, Llberis,
Port Talbot Choir,
Huddersfield Glee Society
Set List11:00- Presidential Addresses (Lord Mostyn, Mr W E Gladstone),
12:00-15:00 - Grand Choral Competition,
20:00 - Presidential Address (Stephen Evans JP)

Concert of Welsh Melodies with the Eisteddfod Choir and Welsh artistes:
'I'r Awen', John Thomas,
'Mentra Gwen', Alaw Gymreig (Welsh Melody),
'Y Fam a'i Baban', Alaw Gymreig,
'Ar hyd y nos', Alaw Gymreig,
'Hob y derri danno',
'Y Fwyalchen', Alaw Gymreig,
'Pe cawn i hon', Alaw Gymreig,
'Dafydd y Gareg Wen', Alaw Gymreig,
'Rhyfelgyrch Cadben Morgan', Alaw Gymreig,
'Llwyn Onn', Alaw Gymreig,
'Teyrnged Cymru i'n Banon-Ymherodres', John Thomas,
'Cynfan Prydain', Alaw Gymreig,
'Y Ferch o'r Scer', Alaw Gymreig,
'Merch y Melinydd', Alaw Gymreig,
'Trefniant o Alawon Cymreig', John Thomas,
'Bugeilio'r Gwenith Gwyn', Alaw Gymreig,
'Gogerddam', Alaw Gymreig,
'Bedd-Gelert', John Thomas,
'Y Tylwyth Teg', John Thomas,
'Hela'r 'Sgyfarnog', Alaw Gymreig,
'Gyda'r Wawr', Alaw Gymreig,
'Ymadawiad y Brenhin', Alaw Gymreig,
'Rhyfelgyrch Gwyr Harlech', Alaw Gymreig
Performance NotesThe National Eisteddfod of Wales is the most important festival held annually in Wales, dating back to 1861 and usually takes place in the first week of August. When it was held at the Royal Albert Hall in London in 1887, it was the fifth time it had been held outside of Wales since its foundation - the other non-Welsh locations being Chester (1866), Birkenhead (1878-1879), Liverpool (1884).

The event spread over four days consisted of competitions in the Welsh language in Music, Poetry, and Art. £800 in musical prizes were awarded. A £200 prize was awarded for the best performance by choirs of Bach's 'I Wrestle and Pray, Lover's 'Acis and Galatea', and Beethoven's 'Come With Torches'. A prize of £100 for Welsh choirs and a prize of £50 was awarded for male voices only (open internationally), for the best performance of Sullivan's 'Beleagulred' and 'Is This He?', and Beethoven's 'Engedi'.

The musical adjudicators included Sir Arthur Sullivan, Randegger, Sir Wlter Macfarren, Dr Parry, Jenkins, John Thomas (harpist to Queen Victoria), John Thomas, Llanwytwd, Gwanwyn D Emlyn, Dew Lydd Moddfa and J H Roberts.

"It is anticipated that the London gathering will eclipse all others, and that there we united action between North and South Wales, not withstanding a certain feud caused at the Liverpool gathering."
(South Wales Daily News, 4 September 1886)

"The Nationa Esiteddfod of Wales was opened on Tuesday at the Albert Hall, after the Druidic Gorsedd in Hyde Park. A letter was read from Mr Gladstone, expresing his interest in the celebration, and stating that a cold had made it impossible for him to address the meeting. Lord Mostyn presided, and at the close of his address the musical competitions and the curious pennillion singing commenced. Eleven choirs competed for a prize of £50, and the Rhondda Glee Society and the Huddersfield Glee Society being adjudged equal, the prize was divided. In the evening a concert entirely devoted to Welsh music attracted a large audience. An inaugural meeting and conversazione was held in the holborn Townhall on Monday night under the auspices of the Cymmrodorion Section of the Eisteddfod."
(Illustrated London News, 13 August 1887)

Mr J H Puleston MP - Cymmrodorion Society - Chairman of organising committee,
Mt Stephen Evans JP - Cymmrodorion Society - Chairman of the executive committee,
Robert Arthur Williams - Chair
John Cadfan Davies - Crown

Mr W E Gladstone was billed to speak at this event but had to cancel due to illness.
Related Archival MaterialProgramme (RAHE/1/1887/2),
Ticket Prices1s (gallery)-6s (stalls) or 25s (back arena season ticket)-40s (stalls seaon ticket)
Reference NumberTitleDate
RAHE/1/1887/2The National Eisteddfod of Wales9-12 August 1887
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
CraviomiepizownNational Eisteddfod of Wales4
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/7536Rees (Eos Morlais); Robert (1841-1892); Welsh tenor, musician
DS/UK/8627Davies; Mary (1855-1930); Welsh mezzo-soprano
DS/UK/8076Sauvage (born James Savage); James (1849-1922); Welsh baritone
DS/UK/6280Wynne; Edith (1842-1897); Welsh operatic soprano
DS/UK/6703Thomas; John (1 March 1826-19 March 1913); Welsh composer and harpist
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