
Performance TitleLondon Labour Party Great Rally - Opening of the 1928 Parliamentary Session and Labour's London County Council (LCC) Election Campaign
Performance Date7 February 1928
Performance DayTuesday
Main PerformersT E Naylor JP MP,
Miss A Susan Lawrence MP,
Herbert Morrison,
Rt. Hon. JRamsay MacDonald MP,
Margaret Bondfield JP MP,
George Lansbury MP - speakers
Secondary PerformersSidney A Court - organ
ChoirsLondon Labour Choral Union
ConductorsRutland Boughton
Set List'Jerusalem', Parry,
'Ye Spotted Snakes',
'England Arise!', Edward Carpenter,
'On The Plains, Fairy Trains', Weelkes,
'The Train', Stanford,
'The Ballad of Semmerwater', Bainton,
'The Red Flag', J Connell
Related Archival MaterialProgramme (RAHE/1/1928/12)
Reference NumberTitleDate
RAHE/1/1928/12National Labour Party and London Labour Party's - Great Rally, for the Opening of the 1928 Parliamentary Session and Labour's L.C.C Election Campaign7 February 1928
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
CvovusoibipiebLondon Labour Party Great Rally - Opening of the 1928 Parliamentary Session and Labour's London County Council (LCC) Election Campaign1
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/2508Bondfield; Margaret Grace (1873-1953); English labour MP, first woman cabinet minister
DS/UK/163Lansbury; George (1859-1940); British Labour politician
DS/UK/1337MacDonald; James Ramsay (1866-1937); British Labour Party politician
DS/UK/2702Morrison; Herbert Stanley (1888-1965); Baron Morrison of Lambeth; British Labour politician
DS/UK/1175Lawrence; Susan (1871-1947); British Labour politician
DS/UK/2867Naylor; Thomas Ellis (1868-1958); British Labour politician
DS/UK/3768Court; Sidney A. (fl 1920s); British organist
DS/UK/1226Labour Party; London Labour Choral Union; fl 1924-1930s; British political choir
DS/UK/2778Boughton; Rutland (1878-1960); English composer
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