
NameSandison; Gordon (fl 1980s-1990s); Scottish baritone and teacher
Datesfl 1980s-1990s
BiographyGordon Sandison was born in Aberdeen and after leaving the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, joined Scottish Opera as a principal baritone. His roles there included Papageno, Figaro (Mozart and Rossini), Schaunard, Malatesta Belcore, Harlequin 'Ariadne Auf Naxos' and Frank 'De Fledermaus'.
Other operatic appearances have included roles at the Stadtheater in Aachen, Silvio in 'Pagliacci' (Eautin Festival). 'Crispino e La Comare' (Camden Festival). 'Zaide', 'The Cunning Widow' and Nicholas Maw's 'The Rising of the Moon' (Wexford Festival). Count 'Marriage of Figaro', Macheath 'The Beggars Opera' and Jim Cocks 'Robinson Crusoe' (Kent Opera). Figaro 'Barber Of Seville' in Jerusalem, Masetto, Dancairo and Rossini's Figaro (Glyndebourne). Belcore (Opera North). Sulpice 'Daughter of the Regiment (Opera Northern Ireland). Sir Tristam 'Martha', Captain 'HMS Pinafore', Noel Coward's 'Bitter Sweet' and 'Ruddigore' (Sadler Wells), 'La Buona Figliuola', Rossini's 'L'Occasione Fa Il Ladro', Cimerosa's 'Il Pittor Parigino' (Buxton festival) and 'Il Signore Bruschino' (Chatelet).
In January 1984 Gordon made his debut at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden as Fl'eville in 'Andrea Chenier' where he has subsequently sung in 'Turandot', 'Tosca', 'Boris Godunov', 'Carmen', 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', 'Otello', 'Der Rosenkavalier', 'Don Giovanni', 'Katya Kabanova' and 'Fedora'.
Gordon has made many BBC broadcasts and television appearances, and has recorded the roles of Boatswain 'HMS Pinafore' and Push-Tish 'The Mikado' in the BBC TV series of Gilbert and Sullivan productions. In May 1993, he took part in two C'S concerts at the Performing Arts Centre in Purchase, New York returning for 'The Sorceror' in 1995.
He also sang Dancairo in the Edinburgh Festival production of 'Carmen' under Claudio Abbado (recorded by DG).
Subsequent appearances have included 'Jenufa' (Chatelet with Simon Rattle), 'Pelleas Et Melisandre' (with Abbado), 'La Traviata' (with Solti), 'Cherubin' (with John Eliot Gardiner) 'Tosca' and 'Die Meistersinger' (with Haitink at Covent Garden and Glyndebourne) 'Jenufa Die Fledermaus', 'Billy Budd', 'Falstaff', 'Cosi Fan Tutte' and 'La Boheme' (Scottish Opera), 'Adriadne Auf Naxos', Rimsky-Korsakov's 'Christmas Eve', 'The Barber Of Seville', 'La Belle Vivette', Quince 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' (English National Opera), 'The Barber Of Seville' (Tel Aviv with New Israeli Opera), 'La Vie Parisienne' (Morbisch Festival in Austria), Enrico in 'Lucia Di Lammermoor' (Belfast), 'Carmen' (Tokio), 'Die Fledermaus', 'Iolanthe', 'HMS Pinafore' and 'The Count Of Luxembourg' (D'Oyly Carte), Demetrius 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' (Rome Opera), Krusina 'Bartered Bride', 'Yeoman Of The Guard' (Holland Park), 'Jenufa' (Glyndebourne), Alcindoro/Benoit 'La Boheme' (Madrid) and Bartolo 'Barber Of Seville' (English National Opera).

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