
NameMimica; Marko (1987-); Coroatian bass-baritone
BiographyMarko Mimica graduated from the Josip Hatze Music High School in Split, majoring in trumpet. In 2010 he graduated from the Music Academy in Zagreb as a vocal student, whilst attending private lessons with Vitomir Marof. In 2007 Marko won the 1st prize at the State Competition in Dubrovnik and in summer 2011 took part in the Young Singers Project at the Salzburg Festival.
After his debut with the Croatian National Theatres in Zagreb and Rijeka as Papageno Die Zauberflöte in 2008, Marko has returned there in many roles including Dandini La Cenerentola, Don Basilio Il barbiere di Siviglia, Oroveso Norma, Pistola Falstaff, Ferrando Il trovatore, Monterone Rigoletto, Padre Guardiano La forza del destino, Colline La bohème and Kochubey Mazeppa.
In 2011-12 Marko joined the Deutsche Oper Berlin as a Franz Josef Weisweiler Scholarship holder and he became a permanent member of the ensemble of the Deutsche Oper Berlin this season, performing Masetto Don Giovanni, Zuniga Carmen, Angelotti Tosca, Don Basilio Il barbiere di Siviglia, Raimondo Lucia di Lammermoor, Tchelio L'amour des trois oranges, the title role in Le nozze di Figaro and Verdi’s Requiem.

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