
NameRewcastle; Dr. Genevieve Attracta (c 1890-1951); Dr; British Catholic doctor, campaigner
Datesc 1890-1951
GenderFemale (cisgender)
BiographyDr. Genevieve Attracta • Rewcastle, former national president of the Catholic Women's League and chairman of the National Board of Catholic Women. Dr. Rewcastle was born in Roscommon and educated in Dublin, at Loretta College and St. Vincent's Hospital.

Dr. Reweastle held numerous medical appointments in Dublin and Sheffield and worked for many years in a voluntary capacity at the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children.During World War II Dr. Rewcastle was the first woman doctor to be appointed to the Royal Navy and was medical superintendent to the W.R.N.S. in 1939, becoming a surgeon lieutenant the following year.

She was a Conservative candidate for parliament and was a member of the Westminster City Council. in which she showed her special interest in housing. For her work and many services as a Catholic the Holy Father awarded her the Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pon t ifice.

Requiem Mass was 'offered at Westminster Cathedral. Among those present was the Mayor of Westminster, representatives from the Admiralty, the W.R.N.S., the Conservative Association and the Catholic Women's League, The burial was at Sheffield.

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