
NameStanelli de Groot (known simply as Stanelli); Edward (1894-); Irish violinist, entertainer
BiographyEdward Stanelli de Groot studied at the Royal Academy of Music, where he was awarded James Tubbs and Sons Prize (violin) in 1909 and the Wessely Exhibition (1906). He may have been awarded further prizes. On 2nd June 1909 he took part in a Chamber Concert at the Queen's Hall as one of a few students chosen 'to represent the interpretative talent nurtured in Tenterden Street (Royal Academy of Music) ... three juvenile boy violinists, Stanelli de Groot, John Spink and Willy Davies, played a concerto for three violins by Vivaldi' (Musical Times, July 1, 1909). In an earlier concert held at the Queen's Hall on April 2, 1909, 'Godard's Concerto Romantique for violin and orchestra was interpreted by Master Stanelli de Groot' (Musical Times, May 1, 1909).

Stanelli became a conductor and composer, and his work 'Atlantis' was performed by the London Symphony Orchestra and the Hallé Orchestra (see Musical Times, January 1946), on which occasions he conducted. He later formed a double-act called Stanelli and Edgar, opting instead for comedy. His career continued as a sole performer when he provided entertainment and comedy programmes for the BBC from 1935. His ?Hornchestra? was popular with radio audiences and he made his television debut in April 1937. His film work as an actor included the role of Herbert the Vagabond Violinist in Hearts of Humanity (1936), and he also led the orchestra for other films and composed scores. He can be seen in film clips as a conductor in archive film from the the British Film Institute?s new ?Mediateque? suite at the South Bank. See also the BBC's 'Guide to Comedy' and the shows 'Stanelli', 'Stanelli's Bachelor Party' and 'Cuckoo College'. Awarded the (Hans) Wessely Exhibition, Royal Academy of Music [Ref, Who's Who in Music, 1937).

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