
NameMeux; Thomas (c 1870-1940); British tenor, baritone, teacher
Datesc 1870-1940
BiographyThomas Meux began his career as a chorister at the Madeleine in Paris under Fauré and Saint-Saens and later appeared often at Covent Garden as a baritone, and afterwards a tenor. Associated with the De Reszkes, Ternina and others, and toured with them, Van Rooy and Schumann-Heink in America when, it is said, he was prepared to fill the parts normally sung by either of the De Reszkes or Van Rooy though he actually sang the part of Siegfried.

He was the teacher of Roy Henderson, who wrote in the Royal Academy of Music Magazine, No 116, March 1940 (p18): 'Although Thomas Meux made his name in the musical world as an operatic singer, it is probably through his work as a professor of singing at the Royal Academy of Music that his influence is most widely felt. As a teacher, hye was the absolute master, intolerant of slack work, stupidity and above all - swelled head. He gave his pupils a sound drilling in voice production, and his own superb singing in the class room was an invaluable help in demonstrating how a song should be interpreted. He taught chiefly by example. His lessons were so interesting that in my day some of us used to sit for four hours listeing to him teach. A strong personality, he was a most lovable man, with a passion for flowers and thecountryside, and a human interest which earned from all his pupils the affectionate name of 'Uncle Tom'.
(Taken from The Royal Academy of Music website)

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