
NameMusgrave; Jonathan (fl 2013); English pianist
Datesfl 2013
BiographyIn 2013, Jonathan Musgrave held the Anthony Saltmarsh Junior Fellowship at the Royal College of Music London, after six years there as a student. In July 2011 he completed his MMus with distinction, building on his first-class degree two years earlier.
In a solo role he has performed concertos by Brahms, Mozart and Beethoven, and taken part in masterclasses by Bryce Morrison and Artur Pizarro. As an accompanist he has worked with instruments and voices of every kind, and his duo partnerships have resulted in engagements from the Concordia Foundation and Park Lane Group – appearances in the PLG 2012 New Year series were acclaimed by the critics of the Times and the Independent. He is a founder member of the Armartis Ensemble and Trio d’Hiver. Also he is in demand as a repetiteur, working with Surrey Opera and Euphonia Works.
As well as innumerable appearances in London (venues including the Purcell Room and Cadogan Hall) and around the south of England, he has also performed at music festivals in Cambridge, King’s Lynn and Stratford-upon-Avon. Outside the UK he has toured to Germany, Russia, Poland and Ukraine.

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