
NameAndrews; Anthony (12 January 1948); English actor
Variations of NameAnthony Colin Gerald Andrews
Dates12 January 1948
GenderMale (cisgender)
Place of Birth/OriginLondon, England (born)
RelationshipsSon of Geraldine Agnes Cooper (dancer) and Stanley Thomas Andrews (BBC arranger and conductor)
Spouse of Georgina Simpson (of Simpsons of Piccadilly department store)
Father of Joshua (theatre producer), Jessica (film producer and artist) and Amy-Samantha (wedding businesswoman and god-daughter of Princess Anne)
BiographyAnthony Andrews is an English actor best known for his role as Lord Sebastian Flyte in the 1981 ITV miniseries Brideshead Revisited (1981). He is known for playing the lead roles in Ivanhoe, Operation Daybreak and The Scarlet Pimpernel, and for portraying Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin in The King's Speech (2010). For his performance in Brideshead Revisited Andrews won Golden Globe and BAFTA TV Awards, and was nominated for an Emmy.

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