
Performance TitleSpiritualist Association of Great Britain Service of Reunion
Performance Date6 November 1955
Performance DaySunday
Performance Time19:00
Main PerformersDr George May,
Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding (on platform with Lady Dowding),
Jean Thompson,
William Redmond,
Eric W Stuart - speakers

Elsie Morison,
Edric Connor - vocals,
Charles Smart - organ
Secondary PerformersChelsea pensioner, young girl and Scout - laid wreath
Set ListHymn - 'Praise My Soul The King of Heaven',
'Love and Music' from Tosca, Puccini (Morison, Smart),
'The Lord's Prayer' (Connor, Smart),
'A Carol of Thanksgiving', Harold Pook (Smart),
'Blest Be The Tie That Binds' (Connor, Smart),
'Abide With Me', Liddle (Morison, Smart),
Hymn - 'God of The Living, in Whose Eyes',
'None But The Lonely Heart', Tchaikovsky (Morison, Smart),
Hymn - 'Hark, Hark, My Soul!',
'Nearer, My God, To Thee' (Connor, Smart),
Hymn - 'Father! Again To Thy Dear Name We Raise'
Performance NotesEvent reportedly held 5,000 people and featured a poppy petal drop

Lord Dowding's address:
"'Until we have peace in the hearts of men, there cannot be world peace,' he said. 'The nations of the world today are living on the edge of a volcano that has erupted twice in my lifetime.' ''It is held in quiescence by the fear of terrible weapons. The world believes we have peace - as though it could be imposed on humanity from outside, in this manner.' Dowding began his speach by stating that it was nearly 10 years ago that he first spoke at the Albert Hall. ... 'Is it true that Spiritualists and occultists are the prophets of to-day? Certainly it is hard to think of any others in contact with that invisible brotherhood who are dedicated to bringing the light to humanity,' averred the great war leader. Why should not God do this through angels? Why through man in the flesh? He gave two answers. He said that the salvation of man must come through man. We could not expect to be spoon-fed. ..."

George May address:
"...a May speech without a joke is like a Guy Fawkes Night without bangers, and it was inevitable that a whizz-bang would be touched off sooner or later. It came when he was recounting how an ex-Moderator of his denomination, the Presbyterian Church, was discussing with him the question of survival. The other put forward the orthodox view that when a man died he remained in a state of sleep until the trumpet sounded. This draw the caustic comment from May: 'One would think Heaven was one gigantic dormitory filled with celestial snores!'..."

William Redmond's demonstration:
"The late Kathleen Ferrier, internationally famous singer, communicated during William Redmond's clairvoyant demonstration... Redmond was giving a message to Mrs Marion Exell... The initial communicator was her husband who had died ten years ago. 'Your husband is wanting to thank you for coming. Do you know the significance of the song beginning 'One Fine Day' from Madame Butterfly?' the clairvoyant asked. 'We met at a performance of that opera,' replied Mrs Exell. Then came reference to Kathleen Ferrier. Explaining that the spirit of the great contralto was on the platform, the medium said, 'Your husband brought her along. She says that you and she had the same adjudicator. You've been terribly broken-hearted. She says you lost the prize?' 'Yes, in the same way as she did,' replied Mrs Exell. 'The message is that you must not give up. Your singing will come back to you,' Mr Redmond relayed to her. Mrs Exell told Psychic News afterwards that the name of her adjudicator was Mr Herbert Howells. She said 'He failed Kathleen Ferrier at a test on the East Coast, and he failed me when he came south to adjudicate. I am a gold medallist and a teacher. It was a great disappointment. I have been in hospital and have lost my voice. I have had to turn to other work and I have been writing inspirational poetry for different churches, including a composition in aid of the choir school fund for Westminster Abbey.'

During the demonstration, William Redmond announced that Kathleen Ferrier wished to speak to others who were present. Turning to soprano Miss Elsie Morison who was present on the platform by permission of the Royal Opera Company, Covent Garden, and whose songs were 'Love and music,' solo from Puccini's 'Tosca,' Liddle's 'Abide with me,' and Tchaikovsky's 'None but the lonely heart,' Redmond said: 'Miss Ferrier says you are worried over a personal problem and have a sad heart. In 1956 will come a great new offer. She says you must think about part of music of the Messiah. You will know what this means. She says you are going abroad and are thinking about an offer in connection with it. Do you know Gerald connected with Ferrier? Is it Gerald Moore?' Miss Morison nobbed. 'Will you thank him for all that he did at the time of her illness.' Rather overwhelmed by this, Miss Morison later confirmed to Psychic News that accuracy of Redmond's statements. She was considering a new offer connected with next year which would entail going abroad.

To a woman seated at the side the medium relayed this message. He began by remakring: 'I have here a Brian Mitchell of the RAF, who wants to contact a lady named Phyllis. Does anyone know him?' (Silence). 'He has brought with him a man named Stanley who was drowned?' Here the woman responded and Redmond continued: 'Stanley Taylor - he's your brother?' (Yes that's right). 'Was he in the Navy,' asked the clairvoyant and as the woman replied in the negative, he added 'No he was not. He drowned at sea but he was in the Army.' 'Mother is with him. Is her name Annie (Yes). He says there's an anniversary in March (Not March). He says yes, it's Uncle John's anniversary.' 'Oh yes, that's right,' recalled the recipient.'Stanley has brought Jack White and Donald Bird. They were all drowned together.' A nod from the woman and Redmond added: 'Your brother says, 'My sister doesn't like the name of Phyllis and she never called Phyllis, that's why she didn't answer at first.' The woman laughed and agreed this was so. 'Are you working in a store? (Yes) Do you do counting - counting money? (Yes) You don't like it (No) Stick it until after Christmas,' advised the brother through Redmond. 'I have to give you a very important message,' he went on. 'Your brother says, 'Listen Sis, your mother, Annie, and I are here. You know it won't be long before your father joins us. Please don't grieve. You have been a marvellous girl to you father. Just think of it as a happy reunion.'

Another message from Redmond began by his remarking: 'I have on the platform beside me a Sergeant-Major Wilton - name of Joseph.' A woman acknowledged this statement and the medium went on: 'He says he knows you have been very sad. Is there an anniversary in June? (Yes) He says. 'It's my birthday, Mum.'' 'That's right.' 'He's brought another man, a Major Rankin.' The recipient was silent. 'He says 'We used to call him Rank. We often thought he was Rank by name and Rank by nature?'' The recipient laughed and acknowledged the communicator. Redmond asked: 'Was he in the Northumberland Fusiliers? (Yes). He says you were trying to sing a hymn a few nights ago - his favourite hymn.' This brought confirmation. 'Joseph has brought a man named Steele who wants to send his love to his wife,' said the clairvoyant, and asked 'Do you know Joan?' 'Mr Steele is her father,' said the recipient. 'Tell her not to be unhappy over the recent disappointment,' was Redmond's counsel. 'Do you know Margaretta?' 'My mother' came the reply. 'She's here. She says she was German. (Yes) She met your father in a rather unusual way. (Yes). There was opposition to her marriage (Yes). 'Your father was English? (Yes) 'Who is Otto Von Gelf?' 'That was my grandfather,' said the woman.

Jean Thompson demonstration:
"'Does anyone here know George Voseler?' she asked spelling out the name, 'There is a link with Germany. A man in the audience raised his hand. 'Are you Freddy? (Yes). Was your father in the Germany Army? (Yes). Well, he's here now, and we are happy to welcome him. 'He says that if more people knew about the life beyond there would be less wars. Did you ever live in Wellington, New Zealand (Yes). Your wife wants to say,' Don't worry about Cheltenham.' Do you understand? Someone lives there.' 'My wife's mother,' said the man. 'Your wife, May, has your dog with her. She says Wednesday next week - connected with going overseas. They are keeping their fingers crossed for you,' transmitted Mrs Thompson. The recipient acknowledged the significance of these remarks. The medium called the name of Arthur Smith of Newcastle. A woman in the audience said she knew such a person. 'Who is Maggie MacGowan,' asked the clairvoyant. 'That's me.' 'Is this man your husband? (Brother-in-law). Is Eddie with you? (Yes) Were you dragged along to this meeting? (Yes-laughing). Do you know Hillingdon (Yes). This man says he left a little girl behind (That's correct). He often thinks about her. I am told to give you a message from your Father William MacGowan, he says, 'Go right ahead now. The new idea will be all right.'

'Kenneth White is here,' annouced Mrs Thompson introducing another message. 'Can anyone help me with that name. This is a son?.' A woman acknowledged. 'Is Fred with you, because he says he wants to talk with his mum and Fred?' 'That's right, he's here.' 'June 23, 1953. Do you know that date?' 'That's his birthday.' 'He says this is the first time you've been here, and he's so thrilled to see you. He mentions Homer, and grandmother, and he knowns about the wedding.' This was acknowledged. 'Will you tell my brother Fred I will be there,' relayed the medium. 'Is this for Christmas time?' 'No, Easter,' was the answer.

'I have a man named James Wood. There is a gentleman from the First World War with him. He was in the Canadian Army. Does anyone over there know him?' asked Mrs Thompson, indicating a certain area. 'Captain Ronald has brought this man.' Someone in the audience acknowledged. 'Was he your brother? (Yes). In the Canadian Army? (Yes). There are two gentlemen here, James your brother and Ronald your husband (Yes) and a lady named Margery.' Margery, said Mrs Thompson, would have liked someone else - and she mentioned a name like Sesum - to have been at the meeting. 'Do you know Sesum?' she asked. There was a pause while this was repeated by others nearby, as the elderly woman recipient could not hear very well. 'Is Sesum a minister of religion? (Yes) The lady is coming forward and saying that two years ago today, November 6, she died. Is this true? (Yes). 'She made an appointment to come to London, but passed on beforehand. Your husband says 'Tell Maude this has been a great meeting and tell Michael to go, we are helping him.' This was again acknowledged."
(Psychic News, 12 November 1955)
Related Archival MaterialProgramme (RAHE/1/1955/143)
Reference NumberTitleDate
RAHE/1/1955/143Spiritualist Association of Great Britain Service of Reunion6 November 1955
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
Eabapcfait_SanSpiritualist Association of Great Britain Service of Reunion1
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/1564Morison; Elsie Jean (1924-); Australian soprano
DS/UK/1338Spiritualist Association of Great Britain (SAGB); 1872-; British Spiritualist group
DS/UK/11299Dowding; Hugh Caswall Tremenheere (1882-1970); 1st Baron Dowding, GCB GCVO CMG; British officer in the Royal Air Force
DS/UK/10124Redmond; William (fl 1950s-1960s); British medium
DS/UK/11910Stuart; Eric W (fl 1950s-1960s); British council member of the Marylebone Spiritualist Association
DS/UK/7096Connor; Edric Esclus (1913-1968); Trinidadian singer, folklorist, actor
DS/UK/7519Smart; Charles (fl 1940s-1960s); British organist
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