
Performance TitleSpiritualist Association of Great Britain Service of Reunion
Performance Date8 November 1953
Performance DaySunday
Performance Time19:00
Main PerformersAlbert Ferber - piano,
Bertha Harris,
Beverley Nichols,
Eric W.Stuart,
Robert Dell - speakers

Carl Rossiter (son of Ralph Rossiter), with a Chelsea Pensioner - laid wreath

Grace Nevern - vocals
Albert Ferber - piano
Charles Smart - organ
Set List'In Service Let Me Dedicate My Days', Harold Pook (Nevern),
'I Call On Thee, Lord' (Ferber),
Invocation (Harris),
'The Lord's Prayer' (Nevern),
'Solemn Melody' (Smart, Nichols),
'Love and Death' (Ferber),
'Psalm XXIII' (Stuart),
'The Silence and The Laying of The Wreath',
'Thy Faith Hath Saved Thee' (Nevern),
'Praise My Soul The King of Heaven',
Demonstration (Dell),
'Nocturne in C Minor', Chopin (Ferber, Stuart),
'Arise O Sun' (Nevern),
'Open My Eyes That I May See',
Demonstration (Harris),
'The Ceremony of The Blessing',
Performance Notes"Spiritualism is faced with a problem. Either it must remain a homogeneous structure, depending on the spasmodic revelations of individuals, or it must evolve its own brand of orthodoxy. This was the situation as Beverley Nichols, the well-known writer, saw it... Beverley Nichols began his speech half apologetically, emphasisng that he was still more of an inquirer than a convert. His interest in Spiritualism, he explained, began 18 months ago when he visited Harry Edwards' sanctuary at Shere. At Edwards' clinic he saw a succession of 'miracles' and he came away convinced that any man who attempted to deny them was either a liar or a congenital idiot. In his view Spiritualism possessed tremendous opportunities and equally trememdous dangers. ... Sooner or later, prophesied Nicols, someone must write the Spiritualist creed. Mankind could not be guided by a vague diffused light."

Bertha Harris demonstration:
"Miss Christine Smith...recognised the names of Ferguson and McCullough given by Bertha Harris during her demonstration of clairvoyance. The recipient was identified when the medium picked her out of the well-filled arena after asking for Chrissie Smith. Miss Smith confirmed that she had lived in Glasgow for some years, although she was not a native of that city. 'I have here a young man named Alec Ferguson who says he strayed a long way from the path, referring I believe to when you belonged to a different religion,' said Mrs Harris. The recipient ackowledged the accuracy of that message and coroborated the fact that she no longer lived in Scotland. She also confirmed that her work was connected with books and papers. Miss Smith recognised the name Woodlands as the place in Glasgow where she had met the communicators."

Robert Dell's demonstration:
"Robert Dell's first message was from a Flight-sergeant named William Elliott, aged about 23, recognised by a lady in the audience as someone who had been killed during the war. Dell relayed; 'William says he has sent mother all his love. He understands about the photograph. Does that make sense.' 'Yes' came the firm answers from a woman in the audience. A soldier who had served in the Tank Corps was the next communicator and when he gave his name as Cummings and then George, he was recnogised by a woman sitting in the second tier. A message from the soldier's mother who died as a result of shock following her son's death was also passed on. A woman dressed in blue, singled out at a distance by the medium, recognised the description of a nurse named Taylor who lost her life during the last war."

"Another impressive moment came at the conclusion of the meeting when thousands of red, white and blue artificial poppy petal were released from the dome to rain down on the congregation through a battery of limelights."
(Psychic News, 14 November 1953)
Related Archival MaterialProgramme (RAHE/1/1953/157)
Reference NumberTitleDate
RAHE/1/1953/157Service of Reunion - Marylebone Spiritualist Association8 November 1953
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
Eabanyhiob_BairSpiritualist Association of Great Britain Service of Reunion1
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/8037Ferber; Albert (1911-1987); Swiss pianist
DS/UK/7519Smart; Charles (fl 1940s-1960s); British organist
DS/UK/8982Nichols; John Beverley (1898-1983); British author, playwright, journalist, composer, public speaker
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