
Performance TitlePayling Subscription Concerts (Sixth Season) - Fifth Concert
Performance Date6 February 1932
Performance DaySaturday
Performance Time20:00
Main PerformersBeatrice Reid,
Harry Bailley,
Lily Payling,
F C Jenkins - vocals,
Marjorie Renton - organ,
John Dunn - violin,
Reginald Paul - piano
Secondary PerformersHerbert Dawson - piano
Set ListOrgan Soli: 'Fantasia in F', Mozart (Marjorie Renton),
Organ Soli:'Finlandia', Sibelius (Marjorie Renton),
Aria: 'One Fine Day' from Madam Butterfly, Puccini (Beatrice Reid),
Violin Solo: 'Rondo ''La Clochette'' (Second Concerto), Paganini (John Dunn),
'Ah, Moon of My Delight' (In A Persian Garden), Lehmann (Harry Bailley),
Arias: 'The Largo-''Ombra Mai Fu'' (Xerses), Handel (Lily Payling),
Arias: 'O, Rest in The Lord' from Elijah, Mendelssohn (Lily Payling),
Arias: 'Morgen' (To-morrow), R Strauss (Lily Payling),
Piano Soli: 'Two Bourrees', Purcell (Reginald Paul),
Piano Soli: 'Sicilienne', F Bach (Reginald Paul),
Piano: Soli: 'Prelude In B Flat, Op.23, No.2', Rachmaninoff (Reginald Paul),
Aria: 'M'Appari Tutt'Amor' (Martha), Flotow (F C Jenkins)
'I've Been Roaming', Horn (Beatrice Reid),
Violin Soli: 'Soliloquy' (To Be, Or Not To Be), J Dunn (John Dunn),
Violin Soli: 'Spanish Dance No.8', Sarasate (John Dunn),
Aria: 'Mignon -''Connais Tu Le Pays'', A Thomas (Lily Payling),
Piano Solo: 'Valses Nobles', Schubert-Dohnanyi (Reginald Paul),
Romanza: 'Spirito Gentil' (La Favorita), Donizetti (Harry Bailley),
National Anthem: 'God Save the King'
Related Archival MaterialProgramme (RAHE/1/1932/13)
Reference NumberTitleDate
RAHE/1/1932/13Payling Subscription Concerts6 February 1932
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
IesoriegiosipoidPayling Subscription Concerts - 1931-1932 - Sixth Season6
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/168Payling; Lily (5 February 1878-15 October 1967); Australian contralto singer
DS/UK/1830Renton (Ulrich); Marjorie Thelma (1901-); English organist
DS/UK/2412Paul; Reginald (fl 1926-1930s); British pianist, organist
DS/UK/2416Dunn; John (1866-1940); British violinist
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