
Performance TitleAnglo-Canadian Rally
Performance Date4 November 1958
Performance DayTuesday
Performance Time18:00
Main PerformersRt. Hon. John Diefenbaker (Canadian Prime Minister),
Rt. Hon. Harold Macmillan (UK Prime Minister) - speakers
Secondary PerformersArnold Greir - organ
Set ListSpeeches
Performance NotesA meeting at which Mr Diefenbaker made his first major speech of his Commonwealth tour to an audience of between 5,000-6,000.

"Mr Diefenbaker's speech was interrupted only by frequent rounds of applause. But Mr Macmillan, who also spoke, had to contend with half a dozen interruptions from various parts of the hall.
Interrupters Leave.
As Mr Macmillan was saying that Mr Diefenbaker had "faith in his fellow countrymen" a woman shouted: "It is a pity you haven't got any."
The other interruptions were in a similar vein and appeared to be the work of members of the Empire Loyalist movement. One interrupter called Mr Macmillan a "hypocrite" because he supported free trade in Europe..."
(The Daily Telegraph, 5 November 1958)
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
Ierovot_G_SowdAnglo-Canadian Rally1
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/11284Diefenbaker; John George (1895-1979); PC CH QC; Canadian prime minister
DS/UK/9123Macmillan; Maurice Harold (1894-1986); 1st Earl of Stockton; English Conservative Party prime minister
DS/UK/1586Greir; Robert Arnold (fl 1914-1967); English organist
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