
Performance TitleGreat War Resistance Demonstration - Enlist for Peace
Performance Date5 December 1926
Performance DaySunday
Performance Time19:25
Main PerformersHerbert Morrison,
George Lansbury MP,
The Hon. Lady Barlow,
Robert Smillie MP,
Margaret Bondfield MP,
J H Hudson MP,
Arthur Ponsonby MP,
A Fenner Brockway - speakers
Orchestra or BandLondon Socialist Symphony Orchestra
ChoirsLondon Labour Choral Union
ConductorsRutland Boughton
Set List'Jerusalem', Parry,
'In These Delightful Pleasant Groves', Purcell,
'The Keel Row', arr. Thos.Dunhill,
'The Sweet Honey-Sucking Bees', Wilbye,
'Annie Laurie', arr. Granville Bantock,
'The Red Flag'
Performance NotesThis was the final demonstration on connection with the 'pace letter campaign' in which Mr Arthur Ponsonby MP, Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in the Laour Government, appealing for signatures to a letter to the Prime Minister. The letter stated that the signatories "are convinced that all disputs between nations are capable of settlement either by diplomatic negotiation or by some form of international arbitration', and that they solemnly declare that, 'they shall refuse to support or render war service to any Government which resorts to arms.'
Related Archival MaterialProgramme (RAHE/1/1926/90)
Reference NumberTitleDate
RAHE/1/1926/90Great War Resistance Demonstration5 December 1926
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
ImabidoripookGreat War Resistance Demonstration - Enlist for Peace1
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/2778Boughton; Rutland (1878-1960); English composer
DS/UK/1226Labour Party; London Labour Choral Union; fl 1924-1930s; British political choir
DS/UK/3420London Socialist Symphony Orchestra; fl 1926; English orchestra
DS/UK/2702Morrison; Herbert Stanley (1888-1965); Baron Morrison of Lambeth; British Labour politician
DS/UK/163Lansbury; George (1859-1940); British Labour politician
DS/UK/2703Smillie; Robert (1857-1940); British trade unionist, Labour politician
DS/UK/2508Bondfield; Margaret Grace (1873-1953); English labour MP, first woman cabinet minister
DS/UK/3421Heywood; Lady; Anna Maria (1874-1965); Lady Barlow of Bradwall Hall; English welfare reformer, Liberal politician.
DS/UK/3422Brockway; Archibald Fenner Brockway (1888-1988); Baron Brockway; British anti-war activist, politician
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