
Performance TitleYoung Conservative and Unionist Organisation Meeting
Performance Date12 June 1948
Performance DaySaturday
Performance Time15:00
Main PerformersMr Anthony Eden MP (Chair),
Mr Winston Churchill MP - speakers
Set ListSpeech (Churchill)
Performance Notes"We are met at a time of British decline abroad and growing sense of frustration at home. There is no one here who is not conscious of our fall from the glorious position we had reached at the moment of our victory only three short years ago. There is no one who does not resent the attempt of our rulers to bring our life at home down to the level of the Tired Tims and Weary Willies, and to deny or discourage all incentive and opportunity for men and women to give the best that is in for themselves, for those they love and the land they live in. I do not wonder that British youth is in revolt against the morbid doctrine that nothing matters but the equal sharing of miseries, that what used to be called the 'submerged tenth' can only be rescued by bringing the other nine-tenths down to their level: against the folly that it is better that every one should have half rations rather than that any, by their exertions or ability, should earn a second helping."
(The Times, 14 June 1948)

Photograph of Churchill at the podium available from PA Images (Image reference # 16231659).
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
Ionad_Kex_BoxYoung Conservative and Unionist Organisation Meeting1
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/8006The Young Conservatives; 1906-1998; Political youth organisation
DS/UK/2028Churchill; Sir; Winston (30 November 1874-24 January 1965); KG OM CH TD DL FRS RA; British politician, army officer, and writer
DS/UK/6420Eden; Sir; Robert Anthony (1897-1977); 1st Earl of Avon, KG, MC, PC; British politician
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