
Performance TitleNational Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations (NUCUA) Women's National Advisory Committee Mass Meeting [Private]
Performance Date23 May 1963
Performance DayThursday
Main PerformersPrime Minister, Mr Harold Macmillam,
Reginald Maudling (Chancellor of the Exchequer,
Lady Dorothy MacMillan,
Iain Macleod (Conservative Party Chairman),
Enoch Powell, MP (Minster of Health),
Sir Keith Joseph MP (Minster of Housing) - speakers
Set List'Strong and Free', Vivian Ellis

Keynote Speech (Harold Macmillan)
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
Iosobaiveb_M_MNational Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations (NUCUA) Women's National Advisory Committee Mass Meeting [Private]1
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/9123Macmillan; Maurice Harold (1894-1986); 1st Earl of Stockton; English Conservative Party prime minister
DS/UK/1193National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations; 1867-1998; British voluntary wing of the Conservative Party
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