
Performance TitlePageant of Parliament - A Pageant of Eighty-Five Incidents
Performance Date5 July 1934
Performance DayThursday
Performance Time20:00
Main PerformersCast:
Hon. Mr G G R Rodd,
Mrs G G R Rodd,
Princess Cantacuzene,
Princess Mary Windish-Gratz,
Miss M Manningham-Buller,
Mr Nigel Colman MP,
Lady Semphill,
Miss Rosemary Kerr,
Admiral Mark Kerr (Lord Nelson),
Sir Archibald Weigall,
Hon. David Helen Towneley-O'Hagan,
Lady Theodora Davidson,
Hon. Mrs Taffey Rodd,
Miss Peta Davis,
Miss Jean Innes Kerr,
Miss Marling

Lord Rennell,
Earl of Airlie,
Lord Derwent,
Lord Allenby,
Sir Percy Sykes,
Lord Gerald Wellesley,
Sir Dunbar Plunket-Barton,
Hon. S Marsham,
Lieutenant-Colonel Bingham,
General Buckley,
Admiral Mark Kerr,
Captain Pilchar

Countess Jersey,
Countess Annesleym
Dowager Lasy Swaythling,
Lady Mount Temple,
Countess Winterton,
Marchioness Townsend,
Lady Blackett,
Elizabeth Lady Cheylesmore,
Lady Dashwood,
Viscountess Ellbank,
Countess de la Feld,
Freda Lady Forres,
Lady Hamond-Graeme,
Countess Granville,
Lady Mulleneux-Grayson,
Lady Greville,
Duchess of Leinster,
Lady Lloyd,
Alice Lady Lowther,
Lady Melchett,
Lady Stratheden,
Lady Allenby,
Lady Moon,
Countess van den Henvel,
Hon. Mrs Hunter,
Hon. Mrs MacNaughton,
Lady Charlotte Jackson

Ascot Group:
Lady Clancarty,
Hon. Mrs Bowes-Lyon,
Lady Bridges,
Lady Buchanan-Jardine,
Lady Muriel Gore-Brown,
Lady Bird,
Princess Hohenlohe,
Count Clauzel,
Sir H Grayson,
Sir Egerton Hamond Graeme,
Baron Marochetti,
Sir Henry Mulleneux-Grayson

Harrods Dramatic Society (Elizabethans)

Miss Yvonne Arnaud,
Mr Donald Wolfit (monk, Shakespeare, Pepys, BBC announcer),
Miss Laura Cowie (Elizabeth I) - actors
ChoirsRoyal Choral Society
John Payne's Jubilee Singers
ConductorsLeslie Bridgewater
Set List'Pageant of Parliament - (A Pageant of Eighty-Five Incidents)', Roger Quilter, Leslie Bridgewater, J Strachey, Mrs Nation
Performance NotesPageant of Parliament:
A historical pageant enacting the history of Parliament in 85 scenes, from the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 to the inter-war years and the pageant itself. Conceived by Baroness Evelyn Emmet of the LCC, and produced by Walter Creighton with music by Roger Quilter and original poems by Rudyard Kipling. The stars- who included Diana Manners,Yvonne Arnaud and Sir Donald Wolfitt - enacted these scenes in front of vast tableaux or ‘a series of pictures like living posters’ enacted by thousands of Londoners.

"The whole of the arena of the Albert Hall will be used for the pageant, in which 2,000 performers will appear. Among those to whom leading parts have been entrusted are Mlle Yvonne Arnaud, Miss Laurie Cowis, Mr Shayle Gardner and Mr Donald Wolfit. Three unpublished poems by Mr Rudyard Kipling will be spoken during the Pageant, which is written and produced by Mr Walterr Creighton. A prologue will show the sealing of the Magna Carta, after which a series of scenes will illustrate the development of Parliament from the time of Edward I to the present, with parallel incidents from the lives of the people."
(The Times, 28 June 1934)

"The closing scene from 'The Pageant of Parliament' will be relayed from the Royal Albert Hall at 11 o'clock to-night in the National Programme. The broadcast opens with a procession of 'The People Today' accompainied by the Knightsbridge March of Eric Coates, played by Callender's Band. An actor will then give a resume of the pageant. The orchestra conducted by Leslie Bridgewater, will next play 'ARoyal Episode' and the pageant ends with a new poem by Rudyard Kipling, entitled 'Non Nobis Domine' which will be sung by members of the Royal Choral Society. The pageant is produced by Walter R Creighton."
(The Times, 2 July 1934)

Rudyard Kipling, Pet Laureate of the EMpire wrote two poems for the production called 'Now Valour' and 'Non nobis, Domine'. Sir Own Seaman wrote the prologue, Mr John Drinkwater wrote the libretto. The production was assisted by Professor Trevelyan, Lord Rennell, and Colonel John Buchan MP.

Walter Creighton - producer,
Dr Malcolm Sargent - choral advisor,
Quentin Todd, Margaret Craske - choreographers
Related Archival MaterialProgramme (RAHE/1/1934/42),
Handbill (RAHE/6/1934/16)
Reference NumberTitleDate
RAHE/6/1934/16Pageant of Parliament - A Pageant of Eighty-Five Incidents29 June-21 July 1934
RAHE/1/1934/42Pageant of Parliament29 June-21 July 1934
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
AifokeazaivipunPageant of Parliament - A Pageant of Eighty-Five Incidents, in aid of the Personal Service League24
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/2875Creighton; Walter (fl 1930s); British producer
DS/UK/67Sargent; Sir; Malcolm (29 April 1895-3 October 1967); English conductor and organist
DS/UK/1273Quilter; Roger (1 November 1877-21 September 1953); British composer
DS/UK/49Royal Choral Society (RCS); 1872-; English choir
DS/UK/2879Bridgwater; Ernest 'Leslie' (c 1900-1975); English pianist, conductor, composer
DS/UK/2882Arnaud; Yvonne (20 December 1890-20 September 1958); French pianist, singer and actress
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