
Performance TitleIndian Mutiny Veterans Christmas Festival - The Golden Commemoration of the Indian Mutiny
Performance Date23 December 1907
Performance DayMonday
Performance Time20:00
Main PerformersMr Ben Davies,
Miss Muriel Foster (Mrs Ludovic Goetz) - vocals

Rev. E A Williams (Hon. Chaplain to HM the King),
Lewis Waller,
Field Marshal Earl Roberts (Presiding),
Lord Curzon of Kedleston - speakers
Secondary PerformersAngus Gibson - pipes (Black Watch, the last surviving piper of those that took part in the Mutiny)
Orchestra or BandHM Royal Artillery Band,
Band of the 1st Duke of Cornwall's Light Infanty (defenders of Lucknow)
ConductorsMr E C Stretton
Set List13:00 Inspection of the Indian Mutiny Veterans in Hyde Park, Albert Memorial (Field Marshal Earl Roberts)

13:00 Selections of Music in the Royal Albert Hall (Band of the Royal Artillery):
'Grand March 'Imperial'', A Sullivan,
'Nautical Fantasia ' A Life on the Ocean'', Binding,
'Morceau - The Phantom Brigade'', Myddleton (Introducing the old marching tunes of the regiments engaged in 1857),
'Grand Descriptive Fantasia - 'Lucknow 1857'', E G Macdonald (Indian Mutiny Veteran),
'Dances from 'Henry VIII'', German,
'Danse Arabe' from the Casse Noisette Suite, Tchaikovsky,
Selection - 'Gems of England', Bishop,
March No.1 'Pomp and Circumstance', E Elgar,
Overture 'Shamus O'Brien', Stanford,
'God Save the King' (The National Anthem),
'The Campbells Are Coming' (Piper Angus Gibson)

13:30 The Commemoration Dinner:
Grace (The Rev. E A Williams)
Toast to the King (Field Marshal Earl Roberts),
Telegram from HM The King (Field Marshal Earl Roberts)
Telegram from the Viceroy of India (Field Marshal Earl Roberts),
'God Save the King' (The National Anthem) (Miss Muriel Foster),
Toast to the Survivors of the Indian Mutiny (Lord Curzon of Kedleston)
Answer on behalf of the surviving veterans (Field Marshal Earl Roberts),
'Last Post' (Buglers of the 1st Duke of Cornwall's Light Infanty),
'Recessional' (Mr Ben Davies),
Poem - '1857-1907', Rudyard Kipling (Lewis Waller),
'Auld Lang Syne' (Miss Murial Foster, Mr Ben Davies),
'God Save te King' (The National Anthem),
Cheers for Lord Burnham,
Recession of the Indian Mutiny veterans
Performance NotesThis event was in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Indian Mutiny of 1857.

The uprising of Indian soldiers of 1857 has also been known as 'The Sepoy Rebellion', 'The Great Rebellion', 'The Revolt of 1857', 'The Uprising of 1857', 'The Sepoy Mutiny', and 'India's First War of Independence'.

There were some 200,000 Indian soldiers in the armies of the East India Company, and some 40,000 British troops in India. In May 1857 Indian soldiers at Meerut refused orders and fired on their officers. The rising quickly spread, and the mutineers marched to Delhi and took the city, proclaiming the old Mughal Emperor as their sovereign. The rising soon erupted into violence and rebellion across the Ganges plain of Central India.

The reasons for the mutiny were complex, including discontent over pay and promotion, generalised resentment at British authority, and—more immediately—the fear that Hindu and Muslim religious observances were under threat because of the animal fat used to grease new ammunition. Some of the Indian Princes joined the uprising, but others remained loyal, as indeed did many Indian soldiers. The conflict was largely confined to Central and Northern India.

After a slow initial reaction the British gathered their forces and ruthlessly put down the rising. There was bravery and brutality on both sides, British women and children were slaughtered at Cawnpore and elsewhere, some rebellious sepoys were hanged or blown from guns, and there was a heavy death toll. Peace came in July 1858, and thereafter the British took over the governance of India from the East India Company, and the army and administration were reorganised.

At this event 700 officers and men, veterans of the campaign were entertained at dinner by the Daily Telegraph, and 660 of those unable to attend were sent Christmas hampers.

"Inside the hall there was a gay and inspiring scene as the old soldiers walked to the tables in the arena. The platform was occupied by the Royal Artillery, in front of whom hung a number of banners captured during the Mutiny; while the grand tier was reserved for officers and the relatives of the guests, and other persons invited in great numbers occupied the rest of the hall. The balconies were liberally decorated with trophies of flags and shields, the Star of India forming the basis of many of the trophies, while the names of the heroes of the Mutiny emblazoned in bold colours on the walls...
...At the conclusion of Lord Roberts' speech ... the "Last Post" was sounded...Mr Ben Davies then sang "Recessional", and Mr Lewis Waller recited a commemorative poem by Mr Rudyard Kipling entitled "1857-1907". The proceedings closed with "Auld Lang Syne" sung by Miss Muriel Foster and Mr Ben Davies..."
(The Times, 24 December 1907)

Lord Roberts presided from a long table on the platform accompanied by Lord Curzon of Kedleston, General Sir Dighton Probyn, Mr Rudyard Kipling, Admiral of the Fleet Lord Walter Kerr, Admiral Sir H Stephenson, General Sir Godfrey Clerk, General Sir High Gough, Sir Alfred Lyall, General Sir Harry Prendergast, General Sir Robert Biddulph, and General Sir W Nicholson.

'1857-1907' poem was written specially by Mr Rudyard Kipling for the occasion:

To-day, across our fathers' graves
The astonished years reveal
The remnant of that desperate host,
Which cleansed our East with steel.

Hail farewell! We greet you here,
With tears that none will scorn -
O keepers of the house of old,
Or ever we were born!

Our service more we dare to ask.
Pray for us, heroes, pray,
That when Fate lays on us our Task,
We do not shame the day.

The menu consisted of:
Mock Turtle Soup,
Roast Stuffed Turkey and Roast Beef,
York Ham and Potato Salad,
Plum Pudding, Mince Pies, Plum Cake, and Dessert,
Ale, Stout, Punch and Lemonade
Related Archival MaterialProgramme and menu (RAHE/1/1907/20),
Illustrations (RAHE/9/1908/1/OS) (RAHE/9/1908/1)
Reference NumberTitleDate
RAHE/9/1908/1Illustration of the The Golden Commemoration of the Indian Mutiny23 December 1907
RAHE/9/1908/2Illustration of the The Golden Commemoration of the Indian Mutiny23 December 1907
RAHE/9/1908/1/OSIllustration of the Golden Commemoration of the Indian Mutiny23 December 1907
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
Oidafapiog_KowlIndian Mutiny Veterans Christmas Festival - The Golden Commemoration of the Indian Mutiny1
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/1616Davies; Ben (1858-1943); Welsh tenor
DS/UK/4423Foster; Muriel (1877-1937); English contralto singer
DS/UK/4871Waller; Lewis (1860-1915); English actor, theatre manager
DS/UK/4872Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts; Lord; Frederick Sleigh (1832-1914); British soldier, last Commander-in Chief of the British forces
DS/UK/1729Curzon; Sir; George Nathaniel (1859-1925); 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston; British Conservative statesman
DS/UK/20444Kipling; Rudyard (1865-1936); English writer, poet, novelist
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