
Performance TitleMiss World Pageant 1984
Performance Date15 November 1984
Performance DayThursday
Performance Time19:00
Main PerformersEric Morley,
Julia Morley,
Sarah-Jane Hutt (UK Winner of the Miss World Pageant, 1983) - speakers

Miss World Contestants:
Sandy Lewis (American Virgin Islands),
Margareth Jane Bislick (Aruba),
Lou-Anne Caroline Ronchi (Australia),
Heidemarie Pilgerstorfer (Austria),
Yvette Monique Rolle (Bahamas),
Gale Angela Thomas (Barbados),
Brigitte Maria Antonia Muyshondt (Belgium),
Rhonda Cherlyene Wilkinson (Bermuda),
Erika Weise (Bolivia),
Adriana Alves de Oliveira (Brazil),
Connie Fitzpatrick (Canada),
Thora Ann Crighton (Cayman Islands),
Maria Soledad Garcia Leinenweber (Chile),
Angela Patricia Janiot Martirena (Colombia),
Catalina Maria Blum Pena (Costa Rica),
Ivett del Carmen Atacho (Curacao),
Agathi Demetriou (Cyprus),
Pia Melchiorsen (Denmark),
Ines de Lara Almanzar (Dominican Republic),
Maria Sol Corral Zambrano (Ecuador),
Celina Maria Lopez Parraga (El Salvador),
Anna-Liisa Tilus (Finland),
Robine Martine (France),
Mirabelle Carayol (Gambia),
Brigitte Berx (Germany),
Karina Suzanne Hollands (Gibraltar),
Vana (Vassiliki) Barba (Greece),
Janet Rachelle Clymer (Guam),
Carla Aldana (Guatemala),
Nancy Neede (Netherlands),
Myrtice Elitha Hyde (Honduras),
Lai Kau Tong (Joan) (Hong Kong),
Berglind Johansen (Iceland),
Suchita Kumar (India),
Olivia Marie Tracey (Ireland),
Jill Armstrong (Isle of Man),
Iris Louk (Israel),
Federica Tersch (Italy),
Jacqueline Q Crichton (Jamaica),
Ayako Ohsone (Japan),
Khadija (Kate) Adam Ismail (Kenya),
Joo-Hee Lee (Korea),
Elaine Khoury (Lebanon),
? (Luxembourg),
Christina Teo-Pickyoon (Malaysia),
Graziella Attard Previ (Malta),
Mariana Sofia Urrea Stettner (Mexico),
Barbara Rose McDowell (New Zealand),
Cynthia Oronsaye (Nigeria),
Ingrid Martens (Norway),
Ana Luids Seda Reyes (Panama),
Susana Maria Ivansiuten Haurelechen (Paraguay),
Gloria Cristina Loayza-Guerra (Peru),
Aurora Elvira Gayoso Sevilla (Philippines),
Magdalena Jaworska (Poland),
Maria Leonor Mendes Correia (Portugal),
Maria Rosa Silva (Puerto Rico),
Li Peng Koh (Singapore),
Rivero Fadrique Juncal (Spain),
Bhagya Udeshika Gunasinghe (Sri Lanka),
Busie Motsa (Swaziland),
Birgitta Madeleine Gunnarsson (Sweden),
Silvia Anna Affolter (Switzerland),
Hinarii Kilian (Tahiti),
Intira Imsompoh (Thailand),
Ria Judy Joanne Rambardan (Trinidad and Tobago),
Miriam Coralita Adams (Turks and Caicos),
Giselle Barthou Quintes (Uruguay),
Vivienne Mary Rooke (UK),
Kelly Lea Anderson (USA),
Astrid Carolina Herrera Irazabal (Venezuela),
Ana Bentley (Western Samoa),
Dinka Delic (Yugoslavia)
Secondary PerformersKen Warwick Dancers
Orchestra or BandPhil Tate and the Miss World Orchestra,
The Drifters
Set ListOverture (Phil Tate, Miss World Orchestra),
'God Save the Queen' (The National Anthem),
Introduction (Eric Morley),
Opening number (Ken Warwick Dancers),
Presentation of Contestants in Evening Dress,
'A Song for the World', Tony King, Sally Kemp (Contestants, audience),
Introduction of Contestants in Swimwear provided by TopShop,
Recording of Final for television,
Exit Final 15 - prepare for live TV,
Introduction - Judith Chalmers, Peter Marshall,
Introduction of judges,
Final 15 Individual Parade in Swimwear,
Commercial Break,
Introduction and INterview (Final 15, in Evening Dress),
Evening Dress Tableau
Final 7 Parade and Presentation,
Tableau of Final 7,
Introduction of Reigning Miss World,
Introduction and Cabaret (The Drifters),
Performance NotesThe winner was Sarah-Jane Hutt from the United Kingdom. First runner-up was Rocío Isabel Luna representing Colombia and second runner-up was Cátia Pedrosa from the Brazil.
Related Archival MaterialProgramme (RAHE/1/1984/118)
Reference NumberTitleDate
RAHE/1/1984/118Miss World Pageant 198415 November 1984
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
Owgobieruv_GowrMiss World Pageant 19841
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/7812Chalmers; Judith (1936-); OBE; English television presenter
DS/UK/9678Marshall; Peter (1945-); British broadcaster
DS/UK/12713The Drifters (1953-)
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