
Performance TitleNational United Temperance Convention - Festival
Performance Date7 October 1897
Performance DayThursday
Performance Time19:00
If the expectations of the National Temperance Council be realised, the series of conference and meetings which commence to-day, and extend over the remaining days of the week, will be the largest and most notable demonstration of temperance reformers which has hitherto taken place in London. In the proceedings a part, more or less prominent, will be taken by 600 clergymen of the Church of England, by 800 Nonconformist ministers, and by several leaders of the Jewish community, while the number of temperance societies represented will be over 1,500. The Convention Committee, of which Mr A F Hills DL., is president, and Mr C Pinhorn secretary, and which includes in its membership Sir William Hershell, the Lady Elizabeth Biddulph, Canon Barker, Canon Stowell, Mr Jospeh Malms, CGT., and Mr Cameron Corbett ,P., claim that never in the history of the teetotal movement has an effort to advance temperance legislation received wider and more general support."
(The Daily Telegraph, 5 October 1897)
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
Work9129National United Temperance Convention3
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