
Performance TitleDr Barnardo's - Young Helpers' League Sixth Annual Fete
Performance Date15 January 1898
Performance DaySaturday
Performance Time15:00
Main PerformersReverend Canon Fleming - speaker,
The Duchess of Somerset
Secondary PerformersMr David Devant
ChoirsChoir of 700 children
Set ListFootball Game,
Naval drill,
Nursery Rhymes:
'The Cow Jumps Over the Moon - and that Naughty Dish',
'Jack Horner and What He Found in His Pie'
'Little Bo-Peep and Her Missing Sheep',
'Jack and Jill in Adversity',
A Visit to Slumland,
Gymnastics display,
Recitation - 'The Doctor's Fee' (Reverend Canon Fleming),
Shadowgraphy (Mr David Devant),
Giving of Purses to the Duchess of Somerset,
Giving of Badges to Companions of the League and Crowns of the Victors of the Games (Duchess of Somerset)
Performance NotesGuests included the Duchess of Somerset, Lieutenant-General Sir Andrew Clarke, Mr H Seton-Karr MP, Mr and Mrs K A Bevan, Canon and Mrs M'Cormick, Prebendary and Mrs Webb-Peploe, Canon and Mrs Girdlestone, and the Dowager Lady Cairns.

"The whole Arena will be occupied by Dr. Barnardo's Waif Children, who will endeavour for two hours to minister to the enjoymnet of the audience. There will be Children's Games, music by a choir of 700 voices and by young instrumentalists, a stirring game of Football, Naval Drill, Musical Movements, Exhibition of the Kinematograph, Special Limelight Pictures, Gymnastics, Nursery Ditties, a Visit to Slumland, etc., etc."
(St. James's Gazette, 11 January 1898)

"The Entertainment, which was chiefly provided by the boys and girls in the various homes, was of the usual interesting and varied character. A choir of 600 voices sang various selections of music. The boys, acting under their various instructors, gave some excellent displays in battalion drill, naval cutlass drill, field gun exercise, cymbal exercise, and gymnastics, which were heartily cheered. The girls gave admirable performance sin musical drill and tacto-gymnastics exercises. An innovation was the recitation by Canon Fleming of 'The Doctor's Fee', after which the audience was introduced, by means of limelight views, to the interior of the homes and some of their occupants, and Mr David Devant gave an exhibition in shadowgraphy. During proceedings the Duchess of Somerset received purses on behalf of the homes and distributed the badges among members of the league, and a collection was taken on behalf of the funds of the league."
(The Times, 18 January 1898)
Related Archival MaterialIllustration
Ticket Prices1s-£2 10s
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
Work9135Dr Barnardo's - Young Helpers' League Sixth Annual Fete1
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/156Young Helpers' League; 1891-; British charity founded by Thomas John Barnardo (Dr Barnardo)
DS/UK/4007Fleming; James (c 1834-1908); MD; English priest
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