
Performance TitleWomen's Social and Political Union (WSPU) Meeting (Suffragettes)
Performance Date29 October 1908
Performance DayThursday
Performance Time20:00
Main PerformersMrs Pethick Lawrence (Chair),
Mr Pethick Lawrence,
Miss Mary Gawthorpe,
Mrs Baines - speakers
Secondary PerformersMrs Mary Layton - organ
Set List19:30 Organ Recital (Mrs Mary Layton),
20:00 Procession,
Resolution and Speeches
INTERVAL Collection and Organ Solo (Mrs Mary Layton)
Performance NotesThis meeting was to have been presided over by Mrs Pankhurst but following her arrest the previous Saturday, along with Mrs Drummond and Christabel Pankhurst, the meeting was chaired by Mrs Pethick Lawrence. At the back of the stage was displayed a large banner containing the words 'Neither to Change, Nor Falter, Nor Repent - Mrs Pankhurst, Christabel Pankhurst, Mrs Drummond. Imprisoned Oct 24 1908'. The meeting timed to attract mass support and publicity for the campaign was hugely successful raising £3000 for the WSPU 'war chest'.

The Times reported that the meeting was publicised by two suffragettes, Miss Maude Joachim and Miss Douglas Smith riding horses around the West End of London "Placards hung from the horses bearing the inscription, 'Why the Pankhurst's are in Holloway. Come to the Albert Hall, Thursday at eight." (The Times, 29 October 1908)

"The resolution submitted to the meeting of women congratulates Mrs Pankhurst, Miss Christabel Pankhurst, Mrs Drummond, and the other brave women now in prison, upon their courageous and magnificent fight against oppression, and demands of the Government of their immediate release. The meeting further warns the Government that coercion will only fire women to sterner opposition, and that they cannot end the struggle except by securing the passage this Session of the Women's Enfranchisement Bill.
Mrs Pethick Lawrence opened the proceedings by asking the audience to rise and give a silent salute to those who, in their solitary cells, were thinking of them. In the name of the meeting I salute those women who today are in bondage in order that they may win the freedom of their sex, and with their name I will couple these women, belonging to another society, who so deliberately carried out that demonstration of protest last night. In the name of this meeting I salute Mrs Pankhurst, founder of our union and champion of our motherhood. In the name of this meeting I salute Christabel Pankhurst, dauntless leader, born to overthrow the force of tyranny and to break the bonds of women's subjection. In the name of this meeting I salute Mrs Drummond, whose devotion and great capacity have led to the great success of our movement in London."

The handbill contains the following note from Emmeline Pethick Lawrence:
"It is one of the laws of life that for every great human emancipation a great price has to be paid. That price is paid not in money alone, for money cannot buy human freedom. It is paid with the body and with the life of the lovers and saviours of humanity. Women's political freedom and all that lies behind it is being purchased to-day by those who are giving their very life for the emancipation of their sex. Three hundred women have suffered the hardships and indignities of imprisonment. There are women in prison to-day. You can help to render their great sacrifice effective by supplying the money to carry on the cmapaign of supplying the money to carry on the campaign of education and organisation which is arousing the whole country to interest in this great question.
Money is urgently needed in order that trained organisers may be sent into every great city throughout England, Scotland and Wales to instruct the masses of the people upon this great question of women's enfranchisement, and to focus their enthusiasm.
In the name of the women who are now in prison, for the sake of justice and right, I appeal to you to set aside a portion of your income and to send up the adjoining card to the platform with your promise of help, together with your name and address."

The Daily Telegraph (29 October 1908) reported;
"A new banner has been printed by a Suffragist artist for to-night's meeting. It bears Shelley's word, 'Neither to change, nor falter, nor repent,' and underneath the names, 'Mrs Pankhurst, Christabel Pankhurst, Mrs Drummond: Imprisoned October 21st, 1908.' The demand for tickets has been very great, a large number of stalls ad boxes having been purchased by male sympathisers."

Horses were used to advertise posters for this meeting.
Photographs of suffragettes advertising the meeting are held by the Museum of London - ID No. NN22757.
Related Archival MaterialHandbill (RAHE/6/1908/2)
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
Work8819National Women's Social and Political Union Meeting (WSPU) - Suffragette Meeting1
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/4265Lawrence; Emmeline Pethick- (1867-1954); Baroness Pethick-Lawrence; British women's rights activist
DS/UK/4565Lawrence; Lord; Frederick William Pethick- (1871-1961); 1st Baron Pethick-Lawrence; British Labour politician
DS/UK/5246Gawthorpe; Mary Eleanor (1881-1973); British suffragette, socialist, trade unionist, editor
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