
Performance TitleNational Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) - 'Suffrage Week' - United Mass Meeting Women's Suffrage Meeting in support of the Women's Suffrage Conciliation Bill (Suffragists)
Performance Date12 November 1910
Performance DaySaturday
Performance Time19:30
Main Performers(Mrs Henry) Millicent Fawcett (NUWSS, Chair)
Mr H N Bailsford (Hon Secretary Conciliation Committee),
Sir John Cockburn (Men's League for Women's Suffrage),
Charlotte Despard (Women's Freedom League),
Archdeacon Escreet (Church League for Women's Suffrage),
Mr C S Goldman MP (Conservative and Unionist Women's Franchise Association),
The Earl of Lytton (Chairman Conciliation Committee), (absent and replaced by Mr H N Brailsford)
Sir Alfred Mond MP,
Miss Reddish (National Industrial and Professional Women's Suffrage Society),
Mrs Bertrand Russell (Liberal Forward Suffrage Union),
Mrs E F Swanwick (NUWSS) - speakers
Set ListAddress to call upon the Gvernment to grant facilities for the carrying into loaw this session of the Representation of the People (Women) Bill, 1910 (Millicent Fawcett),
Seconded (Charlotte Despard),
Collection and Support (Mr C S Goldman MP, Mrs E F Swanwick, Sir Alfred Mond, Hon. Sir John Cockburn, Miss Reddish, Archdeacon Escreet, Hon. Mrs Betrand Russell, Mr Brailsford),
'God Save the King (The National Anthem)
Performance Notes"'A united mass meeting convened by 16 woman suffrage societies was held in the Albert Hall on Saturday night. The Hall was gay with the colours and banners of the participating societies, the shields of which were effectively displayed against the green velvet draperies and masses of white lilies and chrsanthemuns with which the Artist's Suffrage League had decorated the platform.
Telegrams were read from the two newly-elected Lady Mayors, Mrs Lees of Oldham and Miss Morgan, of Brecon, regretting that they could not be present, and among the members of Parliament who wrote to the same effect was John D Hope who enclosed a cheque for £50.
Mrs Henry Fawcett, who presided, said they were perfectly united and determined and would go on with the fight until they saw it through to victory. The National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies had resolved, several months ago, that when the General Election came they would do their very utmost to run women's suffrage candidates in carefully selected constituencies, which were represented by anti-suffragists and in which the majority at the last election was small. (Cheers) Men and money would be wanted to carry on the fight, and she believed they would have both. Mrs Fawcett appealed to women in party associations to leave their associations and concentrate on the work for women suffrage only until the vote was won. A splendid lead, she said, had been given by the women in the Welsh liberal associations."
(The Times, 14 November 1910)

The platform decorations were undertaken by the Artists' Suffrage League and depicted the different shields of the Societies represented at the meeting.

As well as the organisation represented by the speakers on the platform, the following organisations were represented at the meeting:
The Irish Women's Suffrage and Local Government Society,
The London Graduates' Union for Women's Suffrage,
The Scottish University Women's Suffrage Union,
The New Constitutional Women's Suffrage Society,
The Younger Suffragists,
The Actresses' Franchise League,
The Artists' Suffrage League,
The Suffrage Atelier,
The Women Writers' Suffrage League,
The Women's Group of Fabians,
The Tax Resistance League,
The Gymnastic Teachers Women's Suffrage Associations,
and a large number of representatives of organised bodies of Working Women.
Related Archival MaterialTicket (RAHE/8/5/1910/2)
Reference NumberTitleDate
RAHE/8/5/1910/2Postcard - National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies - 'Suffrage Week' 12 November 1910
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
Work8310National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) - United Mass Meeting Women's Suffrage Meeting in support of the Women's Suffrage Conciliation Bill1
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/4235Smith; Alyssa Whitall Pearsall (1867-1951); British first wife of Bertrand Russell
DS/UK/4236Cockburn; Sir; John Alexander (1850-1929); Scottish-born Premier of South Australia (27 June 1889- 18 August 1890)
DS/UK/3491Bulwer-Lytton, 2nd Earl of Lytton; Victor Alexander George Robert (1876-1947); KG, GCSI, GCIE, PC, DL; British politician, colonial administrator
DS/UK/4237Mond; Sir; Alfred Moritz (1868-1930); 1st Baron Melchett; British industrialist, financier, politician, Zionist
DS/UK/4238Fawcett; Millicent Garrett (1847-1929); English suffragist
DS/UK/4239Escreet; Charles Ernest (1852-1919); English Anglican priest
DS/UK/4240Despard; Charlotte (1844-1939); English-born Irish-based suffragist, novelist, Sinn Féin activist, vegetarian, anti-vivisection advocate
DS/UK/4241National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (NUWSS); 1897-1919; British organisation of women's suffrage societies
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