
Performance TitleBoys' Brigade Demonstration 1911
Performance Date4 May 1911
Performance DayThursday
Main PerformersBishop J Taylor-Smith (chair) - speaker

2,500 Boys' Brigade members
Orchestra or Band1st Brentwood Company brass band,
Buglers from the South Essex Battalion
Set ListIncluded:
Military and Physical drill,
Ambuland Work,
Sword Exercises,
Vaulting Horse Displays,
Final for the DailyTelegraph Shield
Performance Notes"The annual demonstration of the Boys' Brigade will be held at the Albert Hall on Thursday, May 4, under the presidency of Bishop Taylor Smith, Chaplin-General to the Forces. About 3,000 boys will be present, and companies drawn from various centres will give displays designed to illustrate some of the phases of training provided by the Brigade for more than 70,000 lads in the United Kingdom and 40,000 other parts of the Empire.
The programme will include drill competitions, figure marching, sword exercises, vaulting-horse displays, and quarterstaff and dumb-bell exercises. Music will be supplied by the brass band of the 1st Brentwood Company and buglers will be drawn from the South Essex Battalion. The demonstration this year will be designed to give the public an idea of the activities of the Brigade which have led the War Office to allot to it a space on Constitution-Hill during the coronation procession on June 22 and the Royal Progress on the following day."
(The Times, April 22 1911)
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
Work8348Boys' Brigade Demonstration 19111
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/2185Smith; John Taylor (1860-1938); English Anglican Bishop of Sierra Leone
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