
Performance TitleWomen's Social and Political Union (WSPU) Meeting (Suffragettes)
Performance Date16 November 1911
Performance DayThursday
Performance Time20:00
Main PerformersMrs Pethick Lawrence (Chair)
Christabel Pankhurst,
Vida Goldstein,
Miss Annie Kenney - speakers
Performance Notes'On the eve of the deputation the WSPU held a mass meeting in the Royal Albert Hall, and carried a resolution calling on the Government to withdraw the Manhood Suffrage Bill, and introduce in its stead a measure giving equal franchise rights to men and women. Mrs Pethick Lawrence announced that if the Government refused to concede these just demands she would make herself lead a great demonstration of Protest Parliament Square on the Tuesday following. Miss Christabel Pankhurst explained to the meeting the trick which the Government were attempting to play on women, and the necessity for standing firm at this crisis in order to prove to the Government that they refused to be betrayed. A sum of over £4,000 was put together for the campaign fund of the WSPU.' (Votes for Women, 24 November 1911)
'A feature of the Albert Hall meeting was the number of gifts of jewellery given by those who could not give money. Among the valuables given were a beautiful opal ring from Miss Morden (sold for £20), 2 wedding rings, 2 bracelets, 3 rings and a small pearl brooch, the latter sent by a Brighton member whose daughter wished to go on the Deputation but could not afford the price of the fair. Some members denied themselves the joy of going to the Albert Hall meeting, and gave to the fund the money that it could have cost then. Some of these are still on sale, and can be viewed on application at 4 Clements Inn, WC'. (Votes for Women, 24 November 1911)
'The hall was crowded in every part when Mrs Lawrence, Miss Pankhurst, Miss Goldstein and Miss Annie Kenney mounted the platform. A beautiful bouquet from Mrs Saul Soloman was presented in the colours of the Union, with a 'fiery cross' in scarlet flowers. Mrs Lawrence then read a cablegram from Mrs Pankhurst, who was that day in Minneapolis. She sent this message:-
'I share your indignation at the Government's insult to women, and am ready to renew the fight. Shall return with practical help from America'.'
There followed a special message from Mrs Saul Soloman, who had been unable to sit or to walk or to write or to do anything without pain since 'Black Friday'.

(Handbill held at the Museum of London ID No. 56.176/21)
Ticket Prices£1 10s-12s 6d (boxes), 2s 6d (stalls) 2s-1s (arena), 2s (lower orchestra), 1s 6d (balcony), 6d (upper orchestra), £0 (gallery)
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
Work8383Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) - A Women's Demonstration - Suffragette Meeting1
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/4220Pankhurst; Dame; Christabel Harriette (1880-1958); Suffragette, co-founder of Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU)
DS/UK/4265Lawrence; Emmeline Pethick- (1867-1954); Baroness Pethick-Lawrence; British women's rights activist
DS/UK/4124Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU); 1903-1917; British suffrage society
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