
Performance TitleDemonstration to Demand Adult Suffrage
Performance Date13 February 1912
Performance DayTuesday
Performance Time20:00
Main PerformersWill Crooks MP,
J Keir Hardy MP,
Arthur Henderson MP,
Philip Snowden MP,
Charlotte Despard,
Miss Margaret Bondfield,
Miss Mary R Macarthur,
Miss Millicent Murby,
William C Anderson (Chairman of the Independent Labour Party),
James Ramsay MacDonald MP (Chair) - speakers
Set ListSpeech (Ramsay MacDonald),
Resolution - 'That this meeting of men and women believing that the widest and simplest suffrage affording to every person legal means for redress of grievances, is the safest base for a democratic State, insists that a drastic reform of the franchise, to include the complete removal of all the complications and absurdities of the present methods of registration, is long overdue, and that the time has come for the grant to every adult, man or woman, of the right to vote for all governing bodies, both central and local. It assures the Government that no measure of manhood suffrage, conferring full rights of citizenship on all men and women.' (Mr Arthur Henderson ),
Seconded (Mrs Despard),
Speech (Mr Keir Hardie),
Speeches (Mr Crooks, Mr W C Anderon, Miss Mary MacArthur)
Performance NotesThe event called for political equality and a franchise bill which included women.
Ticket Prices3s-2s (boxes), 2s-1s (stalls), 1s (arena), 6d (reserved seats), £0 (gallery)
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
Work8407Demonstration to Demand Adult Suffrage1
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/5130Hardie; James Keir (1856-1915); Scottish Socialist and Labour leader
DS/UK/1337MacDonald; James Ramsay (1866-1937); British Labour Party politician
DS/UK/5844MacArthur; Mary (1880-1921); Scottish trade unionist, women's rights campaigner
DS/UK/2776Henderson; Arthur (1863-1935); British iron moulder, Labour politician
DS/UK/4240Despard; Charlotte (1844-1939); English-born Irish-based suffragist, novelist, Sinn Féin activist, vegetarian, anti-vivisection advocate
DS/UK/2508Bondfield; Margaret Grace (1873-1953); English labour MP, first woman cabinet minister
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