
Performance TitleNational Federation of Women's Institutes (NFWI) - Fifteenth Annual General Meeting 1931 [Private]
Performance Date19 May 1931
Performance DayMonday
Main PerformersLady Denman (Chair),
Mrs Watt,
Dr Addison (Ministry of Agriculture),
Mr A Powys (Secretary ofthe Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings) - speakers
Set List'Jerusalem' Parry,
Resolution - 'the NFWI Annual General Meeting be always held in London',
Other Resolutions - Early Waking of Hospital Patients, the National Mark, and Inheritance,
Address (Dr Addison),
Address (Mr A Powys),
'God Save the King' (The National Anthem)
Performance Notes"Sir - The great gathering at the Albert Hall yesterday of women's institute members is a striking testimony to the growth and strength of that remarkable movement.
Mrs Watt, founder of the movement in Great Britain was present, and it must have given her the greatest satisfaction to see that vast concourse of women from all parts of the country, for the women's institutes are by far the largest rural organisation that exists in this country today. The movement has brought a new interest into the lives of hundreds of thousands of country women; indeed, it is not too much to say that it has created a new spirit in our country life.
I am convinced that the remarkable results achieved were rendered possible because women created their own organisation, and have kept it singularly free from all official control. Had they been content to work as the women's branch of some general organisation, however excellent, their achievement would not have been one-half effective.
But Mrs Watt has not confined herself to a federation of English-speaking women; during the last few years she has taken a great interest in other women's organisations in the different countries of the world, and she is now chairman of the Liason Committee of the International Rural Women's organisations - a committee on which some 28 nations were represented. Their little publication, 'What the Country Women of the World are doing', (1930) is of great interest, and makes one realise the almost limitless sphere of useful work that lies before them.
Again, as in the case of the women's institutes, I am sure they will be well advised to keep this international movement as a distinctly women's organisation rather than to link up as a branch of a bigger organsiation. Women, through an oganisation of their own, have a very definite contribution to make in the difficult problems of international relationships, and anyone who has met members of the Liasion Committee' must feel that they are approaching these problems with zeal, sound sense and a remarkable degree of harmony,
Yours obediently, Christopher Turnor, Stoke Rochford, Grantham"
(Letter to the Times, 23 May 1931)
Ref NoTitleNo of Performances
Work8136National Federation of Women's Institutes (NFWI) - Fifteenth Annual General Meeting 1931 [Private]2
CodeName of Performer(s)
DS/UK/829National Federation of Women's Institutes (NFWI); 1915-; British community-based organisation for women
DS/UK/20550Watt; Margaret Robertson (1868-1948); Scottish-Canadian founder of the Women's Institute movement
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