
Event TitleSpecial Sunday Concerts (1918)
Event Date5 May 1918-23 June 1918
Event DaySunday
Event LocationMain Auditorium
Number of Performances9
Event GenreMusic Concert
Event MusicClassical
_Nobowkeabinear  Special Sunday Concert
Esogaibanit_N  Special Sunday Concert - First Concert
Ievokoof_Zinear  Special Sunday Concert - Katherine Goodson - Chopin Recital, in aid of The Kensington War Hospital Supply Depot
Urokaiseatit_T  Special Sunday Concert (1918) - International Music
Czovownibit_T  Special Sunday Concert - Fourth Concert
Oigorygykineas  Special Popular Orchestral Concert
Opaniebusinear  Special Sunday Concert - Grand Opera Company
Yloxynyfit_T  Special Sunday Concert - Third Concert
On_Zyfit_Tep  Special Sunday Concerts (1918) - Concert in aid of The Blue Cross for Helping Wounded Horses and Dogs
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