Hierarchy Browser
RAHE - Royal Albert Hall Events Collection
1 - Event Programmes
1871 - Programmes
1872 - Programmes
1873 - Programmes
1874 - Programmes
1875 - Programmes
1876 - Programmes
1877 - Programmes
1878 - Programmes
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1885 - Programmes
1886 - Programmes
1887 - Programmes
1889 - Programmes
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1896 - Programmes
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1900 - Programmes
1901 - Programmes
1902 - Programmes
1903 - Programmes
1904 - Programmes
1905 - Programmes
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1907 - Programmes
1908 - Programmes
1909 - Programmes
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1911 - Programmes
1912 - Programmes
1913 - Programmes
1914 - Programmes
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1916 - Programmes
1917 - Programmes
1918 - Programmes
1919 - Programmes
1920 - Programmes
1921 - Programmes
1922 - Programmes
1923 - Programmes
1924 - Programmes
1925 - Programmes
1926 - Programmes
1927 - Programmes
1 - The English Folk Dance Society - All England Festival, Performance of Folk Song and Dance
2 - Special Sunday Concerts - Madame Lipkowska with Miss Ania Dorfmann
3 - Special Sunday Concerts - Madam Guglielmetti with M, Zaporojetz
4 - Special Sunday Concerts - Dame Clara Butt Recital
5 - Church Missionary Society - Uganda Jubilee (1877-1927) Mass Meeting
6 - The Scottish Clan Association of London - Burns Nicht - Grand Annual Scottish Concert
7 - Special Sunday Concerts - Mischa Elman Recital
8 - London Ballad Concerts, 61st Season - Fifth Concert of the Season
9 - Programme of Evening Concert - London Sunday School Choir
10 - Special Sunday Concerts - Mischa Elman Recital
11 - British Broadcasting Co. - National Concerts
12 - Daily Express - National Community Singing Movement Concert
13 - London Ballad Concerts, 61st Season - Last Concert of the Season
14 - Special Sunday Concerts - Friedman Recital
15 - Special Sunday Concerts - John McCormack with Lauri Kennedy
15a - [Chelsea Arts Club Ball]
16 - [British Israel World Federation]
17 - British Broadcasting Co. - National Concerts
18 - Special Sunday Concerts - Friedman - Chopin Recital
19 - Special Sunday Concerts - John McCormack with Lauri Kennedy
20 - British Broadcasting Co. - National Concerts
21 - Special Sunday Concerts - Madame Frieda Kwast-Hodapp, The London Symphony Orchestra, Conductor: Sir Thomas Beecham
22 - The Royal Philharmonic Society - Programe of the Sixth Concert (Of the Hundred-and-Fifteenth Season)
23 - International Boxing Contexts
24 - British Broadcasting Co. - National Concerts
25 - Special Sunday Concerts - Jan Kiepura with Cyril Towbin
26 - Amateur Boxing Championships
27 - British Broadcasting Co. - National Concerts
28 - 'Daily Express' - National Community Sing Movement
29 - Sunday Special Concerts - Horowitz Recital
30 - Royal Choral Society (Fifty-Sixth Season) - Messiah
31 - The Annual Elim Easter Convention and Foursquare Gospel Demonstration
32 - Special Sunday Concerts - Johann Strauss, with Vilma Delmar and Special Orchestra
33 - The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts - Great Missionary Demonstration
34 - The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts - Great Missionary Demonstration
35 - The Call of the World - S.P.G. Birthday Pageant 1701-1927
36 - Special Sunday Concerts - Tom Burke and Luella Paikin
37 - May-Day Demonstration
38 - Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society - 114th Anniversary
39 - The Boys' Brigade - Demonstration
40 - Royal Choral Society (Fifty-Sixth Season) - 'The Creation'
41 - Special Sunday Concerts - Vasa Prihoda Recital
42 - University of London - Programme of the Presentation For Degrees
43 - University of London - Programme of Presentation Day
44 - Great Patriotic Rally
45 - Special Sunday Concerts - Kreisler Recital
46 - The Royal Masonic Institution for Girls
47 - Programme of Spectaclar Demonstration and Display of The Salvation Army's Young People's Work
48 - Special Sunday Concerts - Madame Ivogun, Tom Burke and the London Symphony Orchestra
49 - Women's Unionist Organisation - Mass Meeting
50 - Special Sunday Concerts, Last Concert of the Season - Madame Ivogun and Dushkin
51 - The Derby Ball - in aid of the Northern Hospital
52 - Printers' Pension, Almshouse and Orphan Asylum Corporation, 1827-1927 Grand Centenary Celebration
53 - Royal Concert in the presence of Their Majesties The King and Queen by Fritz Kreisler
54 - Daily Mirror - Gugnunc Sing-Song
55 - Girls' Friendly Society - Musical Festival and Display
56 - The Masonic Peace Memorial - Ceremony of laying the Foundation Stone by Field Marshall H.R.H The Duke of Connaught K.G
57 - The Great Day - Victory Rally, To Celebrate Rout of the Reds
58 - Special Sunday Concerts - Pachmann Recital
59 - Grand Co-operative Concert
60 - Special Sunday Concerts - An Afternoon of Grand Opera, under the direction of Sir Thomas Beecham
61 - International Boxing Contests
62 - Special Sunday Concerts - Wagner Concert - Austral, London Symphony Orchestra
63 - Chaliapine
64 - Royal Choral Society (Fifty Seventh Season) - Elijah
65 - Special Sunday Concerts - Gerhardt and Cortot
66 - Special Sunday Concerts - An Afternoon of Grand Opera, under the direction of Sir Thomas Beecham
67 - Special Sunday Concerts - Pachmann - Chopin Recital
68 - International Celebrity Subscription Concets, Season 1927-1928 [Pachmann - Chopin Recital]
69 - Remembrance Festival
70 - Light: A Journal of Psychical, Occult, and Mystical Research - Albert Hall Armistice Meeting - Order of Serivce
71 - Special Sunday Concerts - Austral and Prihoda
72 - Special Sunday Concerts - Backhaus
73 - Royal Choral Society (Fifty-Seventh Season) - Requiem, The Hymn of Jesus
74 - The Daily News - Folk Dance Festival, for The Cecil Sharp Fund
75 - Special Sunday Concerts - The London Symphony Orchestra, Conductor: Sir Thomas Beecham, and Maria Sandra
76 - Festival of the 12th Birthday of Toc H - Programme of the Guest-Night
77 - Special Sunday Concerts - The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, conductor: Furtwangler
78 - Amnesty Demonstration and To Celebrate the Tenth Anniversary of the Russian Revolution
79 - The Bible Testimony Fellowship - Souvenir Prgoramme of the Fifth Great Bible Demonstration
80 - Pitman's - Prize-Giving and Concert
81 - Special Sunday Concerts - Casals and Prihoda
82 - Music from the Ether - Concert Demonstration by Professor Leo Theremin
83 - Royal Choral Society (Fifty-Seventh Season) - Carols and other Christmas Music
84 - Daily Express - Christmas Carol Community Singing Concert
85 - Special Sunday Concerts - 'The Messiah'
86 - The English Folk Dance Society - New Year's Eve, All England Festival - Performance of Folk Song and Dance
1928 - Programmes
1929 - Programmes
1930 - Programmes
1931 - Programmes
1932 - Programmes
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1936 - Programmes
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1939 - Programmes
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1949 - Programmes
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1951 - Programmes
1952 - Programmes
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1960 - Programmes
1961 - Programmes
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1963 - Programmes
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2019 - Programmes
2020 - Programmes
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2022 - Programmes
2023 - Programmes
2024 - Programmes
2 - Event Posters
3 - Event Photographs and Transparencies
4 - Event Administration
5 - Event Moving Image, Audio and Interactive Multimedia
6 - Event Handbills
7 - Event Press Cuttings
8 - Event Ephemera
9 - Event Illustrations (Press)
10 - Event Art
11 - Monthly Event Brochures